9/28/14 – It is definitely time for all of us to get together!! We have a few fun events lined up. Please share and I will get more information out to everyone over the next week. Thanks – Diana
Author Archives: dee
A Tough Week End – Meet Sonic, Attacked By A Dog
I just want to put it out there that 4 paws 1 heart has taken on 3 more medical cases from this weekend. A small kitten attacked by a dog, a hit by car adult stray cat with a fractured pelvis, and a small dog (shi tzu) attacked by a larger dog. All 3 of these animals would have been euthanized if not for our commitment to pay for the medical that is needed. I have a picture of the kitten, and the rest will come soon. This is why we need your support… This is “Sonic”. We plan on having exploratory surgery done on him tomorrow for internal injuries. Paws crossed! ~ gina
Joy – You can see why she is in so much Pain
9/28/14 JOY UPDATE, this is one of the photos taken from the CT Scan done at the Orthopedic Specialist. It is a picture of Joy’s pelvic injuries. On the left side of the photo, if you are looking at it directly, you will notice there are 3 breaks from the trauma. She is doing pretty well, but she will be on strict rest for several more weeks. Thank you all for the positive prayers and support. We will keep updating you as we receive new information regarding her condition. ~ gina
The Cats and Kittens of Summer – Over 100 and Still Counting!!
A huge thank you to a 4p1h friend, Kyle Reynolds, for holding a fundraiser to help us pay for the many cats and kittens we have helped this summer with spaying/neutering, vaccinating, testing, and upper respiratory infections. We are well over 100 and still counting. Please check out her beautiful jewelry. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be getting a generous donation for each piece purchased. Please share. bit.ly/4Paws1Heart ~ diana

Let Us Clarify What 4 Paws 1 Heart is All About – Joy and Others
9/26/14 – Joy Update: According to the former owner, Joy was stolen twice during her first year of life. After the second theft, she was missing for two years until she was rescued after being hit by a car. For her safety and medical health, Joy has been transferred to a location where there are no other animals or children and where there is plenty of room for her to recover as she waits for her leg surgeries. We also want to make some points clear about how Joy’s medical condition became the responsibility of 4 Paws 1 Heart. From the time Joy was rescued, attempts were made to contact the owner once the microchip was found. This was done through the microchip company, Gina, and the State Trooper. When the owner of record was finally reached, he was advised of her condition and what had to be done to save her life, he put Joy at the forefront and surrendered her because, as he said, he could not afford the $3,000 plus medical bills which had already been spent to save her life. At that time, the prior owner could have claimed her after paying the medical bills, But, he thought it was in Joy’s best interest to surrender her. The fact was, as the former owner indicated, Joy had been missing for two years after being stolen twice. At no time did the owner indicate that he wanted anything other than what was best for her. He was also advised that future leg surgeries would cost well over $5,000. Again, he advised that he could not afford the future surgeries. Based on the former owner’s agreement to surrender Joy so that she could get the surgery needed and due to the fact that the owner of record had been contacted and the 7 day hold after notifying the owner had lapsed, ownership was transferred. We ask our supporters to understand that 4 Paws 1 Heart is NOT in the business of sheltering companion animals. We are not a rescue. We are there for abandoned/un-owned animals needing medical treatment. We do not adopt out animals; we collect no fees. All donations go directly to medical treatment. I do want to affirm that if because of legal action, Joy is returned to the former owner, all donors will be contacted and donations will be returned. We will also do whatever is needed to be compensated for dollars already spent and do everything possible included in the order that Joy receive the medical treatment she will need. Our commitment is to abandoned animals NOT owned animals. ~ diana
9/25/14 – We originally said that we would not let our commitment to Joy stand in the way from us helping our rescue friends. This very sweet 10-week old puppy was ‘dumped’ on our friends at Friends of Scooby Animal Rescue and we were happy to help out. She has been doing much better and all we ask is that you continue to pray for all of these poor babies who must rely on us. ~ diana
LUCY – Kicked by a Neighbor
9/25/14 – This sweetheart came to our attention well over a month ago. We were contacted by a good samaritan who suspected that the neighbor had actually kicked this innocent cat and broke her elbow. She has been in and out of the emergency in Harper Woods even though her rescuer lives in Port Huron (that is a commitment!) and Gina and the staff have been trying to help Lucy with pain medication and other treatment. Unfortunately, she will probably need to have her arm amputated and that decision will be made in the next couple of weeks. Again, we will not turn our backs on our commitments. As Gina said, our heartfelt thanks to all of you who make this happen. May God Bless All of You and if you don’t believe in God, just send your positive energy to all of us who work for giving a second chance to those innocents who rely on us. ~ diana
“THANK YOU for your HELP” – Joy
I would like to thank those of you who are helping us raise money towards the surgery that Joy will need, the surgery and medical that has been done on her so far, and the daily care that she is getting. We appreciate our faithful and understanding supporters. I know there have been some people that have questioned our motives with Joy, or accused us of creating this as a scam, and all I can say is shame on you. It bothers me a little because these animals rely on us until they are strong enough to move on…and…that is nothing but real. I admire the compassion and commitment that so many of you have shown since our organization initiated. GINA