They Moved out and Left Defenseless Kittens Locked in a Garage

Good Morning Friends, Once again we need your help. We need a home/foster/rescue for this very domesticated and sweet family of one mama and 4 babies. A friend of 4p1h contacted us to report that people, who were renting a home next door, moved out and left these poor babies behind, locked in the garage. The owners were contacted and these sweethearts were found in the corner of a very cluttered and full garage. As you all know, we are not a rescue and we must rely on our friends for help in finding them a safe place to finish being nursed. 4p1h will cover medical costs when appropriate. They cannot stay where they are longer than a couple of days. Thank You for sharing. ~ diana


HAPPY UPDATE:  They are safe in a foster home getting reading for their search for a loving, forever family. ~ diana
kittens locked in a garagenoww:tigerlily

VICTOR – Every Creature of God Deserves our Love and Caring

8/26/14 – I’ve decided to call him “Victor” based on the name suggestion from one of our supporters:) After all, like she said, he made it through 2 life-threatening events, ( falling from his nest up in a tree and then being bitten by a dog), and he is still here!! He has strength and he is a little angel.. I am truly blessed to have this experience. Gina ♡gina's squirrel8:25:14 gina'ssquirrelvictor8:27:14

MAGGIE- Chained in a mobile home park but now is Free and Loved

8/25/14 – HELP IS NEEDED but this time it is not a cat or kitten. This girl had been tied to a pole in a trailer park around Hall Rd. and Groesbeck, Clinton Twp., without food or water. A neighbor can hold her for another day or two but after that — to the shelter. She is approximately 4 months old, not spayed. The neighbor said she is very sweet and calls her Velcro because she just wants to “stick to you”. If anyone can help, 4 Paws 1 Heart will pay for spaying and vaccinations and vetting. Please call Jo at [email protected] ~ diana


8/26/14 HAPPY UPDATES: The puppy chained to a pole in a trailer park has been adopted to a wonderful couple who recently had their best friend pass away. She is now named Maggie. May she have a wonderful, loving life with her new parents. Thank You, Debra B. and Jo A. and the caring neighbor who alerted Jo. ~ dianamaggieadopted8:26:14

MOCHA – Another Sweet Life Saved

8/25/14 – Good Morning Happy Story!! All of our friends deserve a happy story. We just received this report from the rescue who took in this sweet baby after we were contacted by an individual rescue and helped with medical bills. Another soul saved!! ~ diana

“Mary Koliba
Aug 24th, 11:34pm
I would like to thank you for your intervention with this sweet kitten. When Mocha arrived to us she had been started on her antibiotics and was beginning to improve. I’m happy to report that Mocha is now a healthy and happy kitten and has been adopted by a young woman who simply adores her!
Mary (Claws and Paws Rescue, West Branchmocaofwestbranch8:25:14 mocha-westbranch8:25:14

Pebbles – Her Family Lost Everything and So Did She

8/24/14 -Pebbles – Her mom contacted us and Gina could not say no. For reasons outside of her control, this 1 year old sweetie was going to be without a home. She is staying with a friend of 4p1h but she needs a permanent home to call her own. If any of our friends can help, please contact Gina at [email protected]


9/2/14 – Pebbles is still in need of her forever home. ~ dianaPebbles:8:18:14pebbles8:24:14

Gina’s Pigeon – How Do God’s Creatures Know Where To Go For Help?

Saturday about 3:00 in the afternoon this Pigeon slowly walked up to my porch as I was getting ready to leave my house. I actually thought it was a joke, so I looked around and quickly discovered it was for real. 

I wasn’t sure what to do, so of course I consulted Dr. Google and ended up making a buffet of food and water for the Pigeon to choose from, then I went and ran about my business for a few hours.

When I pulled up in my driveway the Pigeon was still there, along with a million ants on the food, and so was a neighborhood cat just glaring at Mr. Pigeon as if he was going to be a snack.

I felt that I should take the pigeon and put him in a safe area of my garage, so I did.
He let me pick him up and didn’t once try to fly away. He ate, drank, and looked good.

In the morning I checked on him and he had passed away:(

This was strange to me because I feel like he showed up on my step to die peacefully.
It sounds crazy, but he looked old and tired..just done with life..and it made me wonder if there was some significant reason. At least he died in peace…
Ginagina's pigeon

Caring About All of the Creatures of this Planet – Gina’s Squirrel

4 paws 1 heart has a brand new addition. A very concerned family contacted the Animal Urgent Care tonight because this approximately 6 week old squirrel fell from its nest, and the family dog went after him. Fortunately, the family stopped the dog from doing severe damage, but there is one puncture wound on the hind end.. He is safe and doing well at the Gina inn, but I am looking for a name. If he continues to do good on antibiotics I will release him in my neighborhood.
The young man that brought him in was surprised that we would try to help this little squirrel, and he said, “wow you would do all that for a squirrel”? I said, “yes if we can help him we will”. Gina.
gina's squirrel8:25:14

Bruno – A Hemingway Cat Left Behind

8/24/14 – Just In from Jo A: An 83 year old woman contacted Jo to report that her neighbors were evicted and they left this handsome boy behind. She has been feeding him but she has a hard time getting around. She said he is very sweet and rubs on her legs and purrs. She knows he is fixed but nothing else. Is there anyone that can take this guy in either as a foster or permanent or a rescue. Contact Jo at [email protected] if you can help. 4 Paws 1 Heart will definitely have him vetted and vaccinated before anyone takes him. Thank You! ~ diana


8/25/14 Update:  8/24/14 – Happy Dance Time!!! Our six-toe guy found his forever home. 4 Paws 1 Heart will pay for his vetting, vaccinating, and testing before he goes to his new family.  ~ dianabruno8:24w:joadd

Kittens Number 11, 12, and 13

8/24/14 – Last evening I received a 911 call from Jo A., that 3 kittens were found in a box in a New Baltimore Trailer Park. They were sick and flea ridden. Debbie N. picked them up and arrangements were made to have them taken to Emergency. These three babies are about 2 1/2 weeks old and have an upper respiratory infection, fleas, and are anemic. They were put on antibiotics and our friend, Tami, who will be picking up Brownie will be bringing them home with her today. BTW, Brownie is doing good. We’ll keep everyone posted. If any rescues can help us with these 4 babies once they are ready to be adopted, I would be forever grateful.~ diana
