Sherman Is Doing Great

12/30/24 – Sherman had been TNR’d about a year ago by our friend, Melissa, who we’ve assisted with many of the dogs and cats she has rescued. Melissa, hadn’t seen him in awhile and then one day he showed up with a very damaged ear.

Gina, our co-founder and licensed veterinary technician at Moore Veterinary was able to get Sherman into Moore’s and Sherman was treated. This was in late October.

Melissa checked in to wish us a Merry Christmas and report that Sherman is doing great. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Jack’s Sad Story

12/28/24 – Jack’s sad story. On Christmas Day we we received the following e mail:

“I was referred to you by a friend. I have a homeless cat that I have been feeding daily, and have provided a heated cat house for it on my porch. The cat is very friendly and kinda chunky, so my first thoughts was that he belongs to someone or he has not been homeless for long. I took a few pictures of him and posted them on a lost pet’s page for my area on Facebook. Well, someone responded that it used to be her cat, but because her daughter was allergic to it, they gave it to a friend. The friend recently dumped the cat due to financial reasons. She added that the cat was a boy named Jack and he is not fixed. – Denise”

Well, after getting over my disgust as to how this poor cat was treated, I thanked Denise for her kindness and authorized Jack to be seen at one of our partner veterinary hospitals. Our prayer is that Jack will find a furever and never be treated like trash again. When people get upset because of the number of stray cats in their neighborhood, they might want to look at their neighbors. It’s bad enough to dump a pet but to dump an intact pet is beyond cruel and irresponsible. That intact animal will do what intact humans will do—procreate!! And therein lies a huge part of the problem. I know our supporters know. this and would never do this, so I ask you to share and educate. – diana

P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Lucky Followed Children to Their Home

12/23/24 – On December 18 I posted Lucky’s story. The little guy who wisely but painfully followed children to their home. The mom took Lucky to a clinic where it was determined that he would need an amputation.

Lucky had his surgery with one of our partner veterinary clinics on December 18. I recently received an update on Lucky’s surgery and. he is doing great and getting lots of love. Here’s his post op photos. Much thanks to the wonderful family who saved Lucky and to our generous donors. –

diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

More prayers but this time for Toast

12/19/24 – More prayers but this time for Toast. Here’s her story as told by her rescuer:

“I had been feeding an approximately 2 year old, short haired gray, stray cat since August, 2023. The cat lives outside and has an outdoor cat shelter house. She’s fed daily, and enjoys her freedom. She survived last winter, which was very harsh. But at the beginning of this past November, her eye was injured— possibly by another cat, wildlife animal, or maybe tree branches. It started with Conjunctivitis, in both eyes. I took her in to an animal hospital in Ft. Gratiot , Michigan. The doctor diagnosed her with a Cornea Ulcer. The doctor prescribed antibiotic eyedrops, 1-2 drops, 4 times a day, for 5 days. She said most likely, “Toast” would need her eye enucleated, because the corneal scratch was so deep, it had developed into an ulcer. I continued to use Ofloxacin eyedrops for 2 more weeks, but her eye never got better. It actually turned into a Melting Cornea. That cornea has now ruptured and her eye is hanging out. So I took her to another vet, for a second opinion to see if something can be done without surgery. The vet said her right eye has to be enucleated. If I leave it, she will have a higher chance of catching an infection, if it scars up or bursts again. Toast’s life depends on this surgery. Thank you so much, for taking the time to read my letter. – Patra”

Although it was a 1 hour and 45 minute drive, Patra drove to Orion Animal Hospital where we authorized Toast to be seen by one of our partner doctors, Dr. Blasses. Toast’s eye had scabbed over and a large ‘chunk’ of scab fell off of her eye. The doctor prescribed Gabapentin for pain and Augmentin (Amoxicillin/Potassium Clauvanate) for antibiotics, infection prevention, for 2 weeks, and a neck collar, until her surgery.

The surgery is set for Monday, December 30. Before getting to the hospital, Toast suffered another orbital rupture. Toast’s surgery date can’t come soon enough!! There are so many animals on our streets suffering like sweet Toast.

Thank you to Patra, our amazing doctors who put the animals first and continue to work with 4 paws 1 heart, and to our generous supporters without whom we couldn’t accomplish what we have. – diana

P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080 P.S. I chose to not post the more descriptive photo for concern that the post would be removed.

Please keep Precious in your prayers

12/19/4 – A lot of people have been following this story, so I would like to post a quick update.

It was recommended by one of our doctors that Precious go to a cardiologist. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to get in right away and it’s also very costly, especially for our nonprofit organization.

We have already done quite a bit of diagnostics, but she is in need of a echo cardiogram. After talking with the rescuer and calling several places, we have decided to schedule her echo on Monday. This appointment will not be at a specialist, but it will be read by a team of professionals and allow us to get her going on any necessary medication sooner than later.

Please keep Precious in your prayers, and if you would like to make a donation towards her medical care, we would really appreciate the help.

I will post again once I know more. Gina

Prayers for Lucky

12/18/24 – Prayers for Lucky who will have amputation surgery tomorrow,

December 19. Lucky very wisely but painfully followed some young children home and they fell in love with him. The mom contacted us to say that she had thought Lucky had a broken leg so she took him to a vet where it was confirmed that he would need his leg amputated.

Unfortunately, the family couldn’t afford such an unplanned expense and contacted us. Fortunately, because of the generosity of our supporters, we were able to say yes. Because of our supporters, some very sweet and caring children will have a beautiful Christmas with their new little buddy who they named Lucky.

Please don’t forget that there is a $1,000 Match Campaign in progress through December 25. Your Christmas gift will make a difference in the lives of many fur orphans on our streets.

P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Christmas Match – Colony of Cats

12/16/24 – The Christmas season can be tough for many reasons but especially for those of us who have lost loved ones, whether they be humans or pets. So today, a long-time supporter of 4 paws 1 heart has asked us to start and $1,000 match in memory of her parents who were both animal lovers as well as in honor of a dear friend. Every donation made today through Christmas Day will be matched up to $1,000. Those dollars will be used to provide medical treatment for the abandoned and abused.

This is a colony of cats who have either been born outside or abandoned without being spayed/neutered. Not only does 4 paws 1 heart assist in those individual cased but when possible we will work with independent rescuers to trap/neuter/return cat colonies in our communities.

– diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

The Kitten Named Donna

12/13/24 – This sweet little 3 pound boy was found in someone’s garage and begging at their window to come inside from the freezing cold. They named the kitten Donna, but the doctor said Donna is a little boy. 4 paws 1 heart covered his exam, combo test, dewormer, and flea preventative today. He has a little upper respiratory infection so he was started on antibiotics. In a few weeks he will be ready for vaccines. We are happy to help get him the care he needs and he will be safe and warm. ♡

Noah Will Have His Eye Surgery

12/11/24 – Yesterday I spoke of the number of kittens/cats in dire straits on our streets right now. Tonight it will be going down to 15 degrees!

Noah is one of the babies we’ve been contacted about needing an eye removal. He is one of two, three-month old kittens recently rescued from a community. Noah will have his surgery at West Flint Animal Hospital and will also be vaccinated, neutered, and tested as appropriate.

Please remember him in your prayers. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080