Kittens continue to be overwhelming every shelter, Rescue, and cat community no matter how much we all work on spay/neuter. If you have the room and love in your heart, please consider fostering and adopting. diana

We are in desperate need of fosters for MANY of our pets. Whether it’s these kittens, different kittens, dogs of all ages & sizes, pets that are ill, we NEED your help🙏
Benefits To Fostering
As a foster you have the first opportunity to adopt the pet .
We also provide all of the necessities.
Fostering also SAVES TWO LIVES (dogs or cats) at once. It saves the pet you welcome into your home (and heart) and it also saves the pet who now has a spot in our shelter.
You are also helping that pet be set up for success to be adopted.
You receive unconditional and many times overly enthusiastic love .
Becoming MCAC Family Member – Macomb County Animal Control


8/8/22 – Please remember Waffles in your prayers tonight. Tomorrow she will be having her surgery and finally her feeding tube will be removed. You might remember that Waffles was surrendered by a breeder who would have certainly euthanized her. Since that time, her foster mom has been raising funds to help with her final surgery. 4 Paws 1 Heart paid for Waffles consultation at Michigan State Veterinary Hospital and have helped as needed. We will also help with any funds as needed for her surgery or follow up. It has been a 5-month journey and she couldn’t have been with a better family! – Diana.

Thank you so much for everything! Your Love, support and encouragement has definitely played a huge part in her journey ! I will keep everyone posted tomorrow! Her Foster Siblings are cheering her on! Chicken Nugget, Jeep Renee and of course , Waffles. – Courtney


8/7/22 – A couple of weeks ago I received the following message from a person whom we’ve often assisted with rescued cats/kittens:

“I was tagged in a post on fb about 5 kittens that were posted for free. They were living outside in a cage on someone’s gazebo. I hate seeing animals posted for free; it always makes me worry where they might end up. So I met the guy that had them. He brought them to me in the bed of his pick up truck. They were terrified. I got them home, fed them got them water which they couldn’t get enough of either. They are boney with big bellies and one has what looks to be a bot fly. They are scared but some what friendly. I was told they were 10 weeks old but I’m thinking they are more like 6 maybe 7 weeks old. Can you please help with medical. – Bonnie”

Thankfully, we are still able to help in these situations and all of the kittens were taken in for an exam and their distemper vaccines. Fred did have a bot fly which was removed; the hole was a little larger than a quarter. Who knows how long that poor baby had that ‘beast’ burrowing in his body. When old enough, we will be covering the rabies vaccines, second boosters, and, of course, spays/neuters. Here is George, Fred, Harry, Buffy, and Ron.

Only with your donations can we continue to help these orphans and save them from eventual death on the streets. – diana.


Public Service Post. There are still many old school vets that do think a cat should be euthanized after testing positive but it’s important to do your own research.


Feline Leukemia virus, or FeLV, is one of the most common cat-specific diseases in the U.S. Unfortunately, it remains poorly understood by humans, and many still believe it to be a death sentence. Because of this, cats and kittens who test positive for the virus are often needlessly euthanized in shelters and veterinary offices. Here’s some great news: Feline Leukemia is not a death sentence! With proper supportive care, FeLV-positive cats and kittens can live healthily and happily for many years. FCS has placed several FeLV-positive cats and kittens into loving foster and adoptive homes to fantastic results. Learn about some of those cats (and the humans who love them) in our latest blog post. – Catfe Lounge

Our home is mixed positive and negative FeLV (and some FIV too!) and I have zero regrets here. We love these cats and they can and do often live many healthy years. So much fear over this disease but thankfully new research is proving it’s manageable! – Emily

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Some ‘old school’ vets are still very quick to recommend euthanizing and it’s so important for people to do their own research. – 4paws1heart

Best kitty ever! FIV+ Tho they’re all the best really!!! – Cindy

I’m a conservative FeLV cat mom. My 4 yr old tested positive (much to my surprise, shock, 3-negative tests as a baby) and was suffering IMA as a result. We managed to get her into remission, with Darbopoetin injections, Doxy and prednisolone. She was an AMAZING participant in her care, taking 2-4 pills twice daily for the 38 months we were blessed to have her post-diagnosis. FeLV is trick. I’m also a firm believer that if a cat CHOOSES to hate treatment it is our responsibility to respect that choice and not force it. FIV though…. Not once will I euthanize. Incidentally, she was the baby of my 5 cats- none of my other kitties tested positive to this day and they ALL bathed her daily, shared food and litter spaces and were NOT vaccinated for FeLV (which I will always do from here until eternity.) – Annette


8/4/22 – Prayers Please. This two-week old baby was seen being thrown out in a bag at a Meijer’s parking lot. There were 4 kittens in that bag. I’m not sure how this all played out but some people took 3 of the kittens and left one in the bag. A kind Samaritan took that kitten and brought her immediately to a hospital we work with, Groesbeck Animal Hospital which was close by. I was contacted by one of the staff and asked if we knew anyone who could take the kitten in to bottle-feed. Thankfully, our friend and very experienced rescuer, took in little Bambina and within an hour she was safe and secure and being given a bottle. We don’t know how long this baby was away from her mom and left unfed and she is definitely week. We know nothing about the other 3 kittens and their fate but pray the people who took them know what to do with such young babies who would require immediate bottle feeding which would have to continue every two hours or so. After 12 years of doing this, I still don’t understand the cruelty of some humans and worry about anyone who could so easily murder 4 little lives. – diana.