6/28/22 – And for every sad outcome, there are thousands of happy ones. This past April we were contacted about Spero who was from a colony in Rochester, MI and brought to a shelter because he was sick. A friend for 4p1h saw his story and pulled him from the shelter because they were going to be closed for 4 days and Spero wasn’t eating or drinking. In April we were contacted because Spero was having seizures. We helped with visits to one of the best vets, Dr. Z, and a neurologist. He was tested and no definitive results could be found. But yesterday I got this happy report from Dawn:

“Just wanted to send you an update. Last update, Spero was in really rough shape after 2 days of seizures. Apparently he has a very strong will to live and once again showed us that he is not ready to give up.

During that rough time, he wouldn’t eat or drink and couldn’t even get his medications in him because he would keep his mouth clamped shut. I syringe fed tiny bits of electrolyte water with sugar to at least keep his levels normal and he bounced back better than ever. We are at 18 days seizure free which is the longest he’s went without seizures in 3 months and thats with not starting the medications again.

He was never able to jump and yesterday for the first time, he jumped onto my bed. He’s been playful and loving. This is him sitting in my daughter Chloe’s lap. He adores her and it is the most wonderful thing to have weathered the storm and come out of it to this. I may not have gotten what I hoped for with vets, but yet it pushed me to dig deeper and try harder to figure out what was right for him so I’m thankful. I’m thankful for your help and the support from all that have rooted for him. I’m thankful for the compassion and encouragement from fellow rescuers during the times that all I could do was cry. Its these things that make rescue so amazing and that show strengths you never knew you had. I know the future holds no guarantees, but I’m ok with it and hopefully with all he has been through, it can help others as well. – Dawn”

May God Be With the Rescued, the Rescuer, and our Supporters. – diana.



6/28/22 – Whether you are a human or an animal, I’ve always believed that no life should move on without being remembered by those of us still on this earth. I know it’s sad but unfortunately that is life.

This morning I want to remember Tommy, a very sweet cat who was a member of a cat community cared for by a 93 year old,very kind woman. It was June 8 when I was contacted because Tommy, who we helped with getting neutered, became very sick after being treated with flea medication. He was immediately seen by one of our partner veterinarians and was found to have an enlarged kidney and had fluid behind the eye. He received sub-q fluids and antibiotics and was scheduled to be re-examined. Unfortunately, just before he was to again see the doctor, he escaped from his cage. His caretaker is suffering from early onstage dementia so Tommy’s situation was kept from her as much as possible while the neighbors helped Nicole (the caretaker’s caretaker) try and find Tommy. He was finally found and taken in but it was too late. Tommy died in Nicole’s arms. Rest In Peace Tommy. You were loved. – diana.



6/27/22 – Meet Leiomy. She was found on the side of a freeway in Detroit, MI. She had no identifying information and no one claimed her. Her finder says that she seems healthy but is very skinny. We were asked to help with her medical so Leiomy will be having a heart worm test, vaccines, and spay at one of our medical partners. I can’t imagine this very sweet girl roaming on the side of a freeway and what would have happened to her. As always, a huge thanks to the many kind hearts who never turn their back on an animal in need and to our many donors who give us the ability to cover the medical needs. – diana.



6/24/22 – RIP Apple. It was June 8 when I was contacted regarding 5 babies found in Flint without a mom but needing to be bottle fed. One of the five kittens had two seizures and we were asked for help. Apple was taken by Andrea to one of our partner vets where blood work was done but nothing indicated why the seizures were occurring. Apple was given medication for a potential issue and was scheduled for a follow up appointment. At the appointment, poor little Apple, who was the runt of the litter, had 8 seizures in under 2 hours. It was obvious at that point that Apple should be allowed to cross the rainbow bridge and no longer suffer with debilitating seizures. Apple crossed with her favorite blanket and bed and in the arms of her foster mom. In the short month she lived with the family, they fell in love with her and her passing left a hole in all of their hearts. Here is Apple and a collage the family made in her honor. – diana.


Thank you so much 4 Paws 1 Heart . I am the foster mom who has been taking care of this sweet baby girl, and her 4 other siblings. I only had her for a month, but I’ll tell you what… As soon as I got my hands on her, Apple took over an unprecedentedly massive piece of my heart. I so so appreciate all the kind words and prayers. Diana has quite literally been such a huge blessing to me through the whole process. I have REALLY been struggling emotionally with loosing this sweet baby the day before my birthday, but the messages I received from Di, and now all of your comments have truly helped me with finding peace. Apple’s most favorite thing besides Her pate, and napping on our chests… Was a sun drenched nap. So my husband built me a shelf inside our window frame, to set her ashes on. So now, our little Apple can still take her sunbaths. -Andrea


6/23/22 – Prayers for sweet Panda. The poor baby keeps going back and forth to doctors and getting different opinions. One doctor said he needed his eye removed asap. The eye removal was scheduled for this past Tuesday but the doctor who was scheduled to do the surgery believed the medicine being given was working and that the eye could be saved. In the mean time, the rescuer had plans to go out of town and our friend, Debbie, agreed to foster during her absence. When she saw Panda, she felt that Panda needed to be seen for a third opinion and by looking at this little guy’s photo, I agree. He looks far different than from the other photos I’ve received. Panda is at Orion Animal Hospital this morning with doctors who have done a great deal of eye work for us in the past. Unfortunately, we can’t get into a specialist for a couple of months so we are doing the most we can for this very sweet, very active kitten. – Diana.



6/22//22 – To say it’s been overwhelming in the world of rescue is an understatement. And, quite honestly, after almost 12 years I still can’t understand the cruelty of some people. Here is Amos and Andy (approximately 3 months old) and Issa, Sully, Marlene, and Sadaku (approximately 7 weeks old when found). Here is the message I received 3 weeks ago from our friend Patricia Brown who recently held the garage sale benefitting 4p1h and a rescuer whom we’ve worked with since almost our beginning. These kitties are lovingly known as the ‘car wash babies’.

“I am so angry I can spit nails and my stomach is churning! So these kittens were dumped in this bin at the carwash on 10 mile right down from my house! A neighbor who knows me, 4 houses down, was at the car wash and was approached by a woman telling her there are some kittens in a bin! In this heat! 6 kittens, 2 different litters. My neighbor didn’t know what to do and remembered my work with ferals and she brought them to me apologizing as she didn’t know what else to do. I thanked her and immediately got them in the kitty room. Not one is skittish. These kittens are all social! 4 appear to be around 7-8 weeks and 2 appear to be around 3 months. Can 4p1h help with their medical? – Patricia”

Thankfully, we are, for now, still able to assist and Amos was seen for an eye issue at one of our favorite veterinary hospitals, Orion Animal Hospital. Both Amos and Andy were old enough to be spayed/neutered, tested, and fully vaccinated. Amos’ eye issue was pink eye and that is being treated and he will be re-examined if needed. The younger ones have started their round of vaccines and have been examined. When old enough they will get ‘the works’ as well and all will be available for adoption. If you are interested, please contact Patricia at: [email protected] – diana



6/22/22 – Baby was seen wandering the streets and almost being hit by cars. A 4p1h friend and amazing rescuer of animals rescued her and contacted us for assistance. Baby was immediately taken into a vet to be examined and she was found to be positive for heart worm. Baby was later taken to our friends at Comfort’s Place in Redford, and the doctor recommended she be spayed before beginning heart worm treatment. Baby was spayed yesterday and will begin her heart worm treatment after she recovers from the spay. Of course, because of the generosity of our donors, we are able to give Baby that second chance at life.

On another note, Baby is being fostered by someone in Jackson, MI. Baby’s rescuer, Shayla, is a school teacher who is off for the summer and she will be transporting Baby back and forth between Jackson and Redford, MI. May God be with our many rescuers who go above an beyond for the fur orphans wandering our streets. – diana.



6/22/22 – Panda Update! Dr. Stomack at APaws Veterinary Hospital saw Panda yesterday and was prepared to remove her eye as was previously recommended when she was seen by another doctor last week. BUT, Panda’s eye appears to be improving with her current medications. Dr. Stomack recommended we go ahead with having Panda see a specialist for consultation and we will go from there. Panda was very active at the vet’s office and her vision seems to be improving. The doctor said she is a typical little kitten and we are very happy to do what we can to save her eyes. – diana



UPDATE: I’m sorry but I was misinformed about Montana.

He has not passed away and I will get a further update later.

6/20/22 – Unfortunately, it was a very sad weekend for 3 fur orphans (2 of whom we’ve helped with medical). It was early June when we were contacted about Jeffrey who had been rescued in Detroit. He had an abscess on his neck and was filled with fluid. The fluid was drained and we were asked if we could help with the medical bill. We did that and Jeffrey’s prognosis appeared to be good but not long after, Jeffrey became very lethargic. We approved another visit to one of our veterinary partners and Jeffrey was found to be positive for FIV, FeLV, and possibly FIP. He continued to get worse and it was finally recommended by the veterinary doctor that Jeffrey be spared from any more pain.

And then, there was Skippy (no photo). We didn’t know him but I got a call yesterday from a friend of 4p1h about a cat who was found and appeared to have been hit by a car. At first he tried running away and then he couldn’t move. He was bloody and the finder couldn’t tell the extent of his injuries. I authorized him to be taken to the emergency hospital. He had a severe wound in his stomach and although he tried to move, his brain couldn’t seem to dictate his limbs. He had many other injuries and the doctor recommended humane euthanasia to relieve him of his pain.

We try to save them all but sometimes it’s not possible. – diana



6/16/22 – Panda was rescued on 5/22; he could fit in your hand. He had crusted eyes with green ooze coming out, one had doubled in size. He was sneezing with green mucus coming out of his nose. His vision was definitely impaired. He was also very skinny. He was very sweet.

Lauren, his rescuer, contacted me and we arranged for him to go to APaws Veterinary and he was treated for the respiratory infections with an appointment for a follow up in two weeks. By May 26 he appeared to be doing well with his upper respiratory infection and Lauren thought she had lined up an adopter. Panda had a follow up appointment yesterday, June 16.

Yesterday I talked with Dr. Pasternak, who was subbing at APaws, and she said that Panda’s one eye needed to be removed within the next 3-5 days before it burst. But, she also suggested that we try to get a specialist to see his other eye because she saw some troubling issues with his pupil which may be a problem or maybe just be a birth defect. The plan was for me to call a specialist to see if we could get in by Monday or Tuesday for a consultation. The thinking from the doctor and I was that if both eyes needed removal, the surgery could be done at one time. But, when Lauren called the potential adopter, who had previously had a blind cat and was experienced with special needs cats, said she no longer was interested because she didn’t have the time.

Now we were in a dilemma because Lauren is scheduled to go out of State on June 22 and won’t be back until the end of the month. Even if an adopter or foster can’t be found, Panda needs a home to go to until Lauren returns and she needs the eye surgery within days. Under the circumstances, we decided to go ahead with the eye removal for the serious eye and then work on the consultation at a later date for the other eye. Worst case scenario would be that Panda would have to be put under twice for two surgeries. But we are praying that if another surgery is needed, it can wait until Panda is a little older and stronger (he is now 7-8 weeks old).

A good friend of 4p1h has offered to watch Panda while Lauren is gone and we have asked the vet for the soonest possible surgery date. But, Panda will still need a furever home so, please, if you are looking for a very sweet kitten who is no trouble whatsoever, please consider Panda and contact Lauren at: [email protected] diana.

And, please remember that without your donations, we could not continue to help the orphans who have no one else.
