MAXWELL – RIP – Found Passed Away Before We Could Help

2/18/22 – RIP Dear Maxwell. In early February we were asked to help with an area where there are about 15-20 cats. Maxwell was one of those cats. His eye had been injured and he needed medical help. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to be trapped and the other day he was found passed away. Just as I feel no human should transition to another life without being remembered, I feel the same about God’s creatures. Maxwell is out of the cold and inhumanity and is now romping across the rainbow bridge. –

MITCH – Found Malnourished and With Bite Marks and Wounds

Mitch was wandering in the streets of an area known for dogfighting. He is very malnourished and covered with bite marks and wounds; probably used as a bait dog. His lower lip appears to have been bitten off and healed without medical treatment. He is understandably frightened and needs to decompress before we can cover his many medical needs but we have the very perfect veterinarian who has dealt with many such cases. Mitch will eventually be tested for not only heart worm but some of the diseases left untreated which often occur in dogs subjected to dogfighting. He will be neutered, vaccinated, and sheltered with love. Until then, prayers for this beautiful creature of God who has been so very abused. – diana.

TINKERBELL AND JAKE – Kept on a Chain 24/7, Pregnant and Needing a Second C-Section to Have Her Babies

2/16/22 – Remember Tinkerbell. She was kept on a chain 24/7 and during that time she became pregnant (for the second time we later learned). A friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart was able to save her before she had her babies. Tinkerbell had to have another c-section (her second because of her breed)and had 9 puppies; unfortunately 1 puppy died. We were then asked to take care of the medical needs for Tinkerbell and anything the puppies might need. I wanted to give you an update so here is Tinkerbell sleeping in all of her blankets and a photo of one of her babies, Jake, who is now living in a town with a lot of acreage in a very loving home. Tinkerbell is still having medical issues with yeast infections and the swelling of her nipples. The doctor is waiting for the swelling and yeast infections to subside before she can be spayed. She is becoming more confident and knows she is now loved.diana

BEAR – Found Cold, Hungry, and with an Injured Leg.

2/16/22 – Meet Bear (aka Milo). This beautiful boy had successful ACL surgery today with one of the best veterinary doctors in our area, Dr. Zalac at Orion Animal Hospital. In late December, 2021, I received the following e mail:”I am a senior on a fixed income but I have been a foster mom for cats and kittens for many years. I am also a “foster failure”, as I have 5 kitties of my own. Two weeks ago I heard of an abandoned house cat, actually a kitten of approximately 9-11 months. After several trips to the area I finally found him, cold, hungry, and with an injured leg. I immediately took him to my local emergency vet, where he was x-rayed, received an anti-biotic injection, a rabies injection, sub-q fluids and an anti-inflammatory injection and I was told he had a cruciate ligament and patella injury. The cost was over $500, which I was willing to pay to help him. I was given anti-inflammatory medication and instructions for his care. It has been 2 weeks and the kitty is not much better and may require surgery. I was given an estimate of around $2000. !!! I simply cannot afford that but I want to help this poor baby. I already have a forever home for him, but not until he is well.I was told that your organization may be able to help with the cost of surgery. – Sharon”Well, before Bear could have his surgery, he had to go back to the original vet because he had an “inflammatory response” to his rabies vaccine. After, Bear was was duly recovered he had his surgery today which included being neutered. All is well and another animal who otherwise may have met a horrible death will have a second chance because of our supporters, our rescuers, and our veterinary doctors and their staffs.

CHANCE – The Story of a Super Hero

This video created by our Board member, Kim Fuhrman, with the help of Chance’s mom and Board member, Denise Najera, should fill your heart on the day of love. I hope you enjoy it and for those of you who have been with us a long time, I hope it brings back some memories. Remember, you can give the gift of love and life by making a donation and helping us give more of these orphans that second chance at life. diana.

SIMBA – Attacked by a Dog and Requiring Eye Removal

Simba was an outside cat who was attacked by a dog. The people who take care of him took him to the vet and got antibiotics and drops for him. The veterinary clinic quoted them a cost of almost $1,000 to remove the eye which was injured in the attack. The caretakers could not afford to pay for Simba’s surgery and reached out to two women who conduct TNR in the neighborhood. The ladies scheduled Simba’s neuter and then contacted us to see if we could help. He is scheduled for surgery on March 2 and we will cover the eye removal and any other medical care needed to make him an ‘inside’ cat. Wishing all of our supporters a day of love and snuggles with your favorite valentine. diana.

P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

FELIX – Missing for a Few Days But Then Showed Up with an Injured Leg and Neck Wound

2/10/22 – This is Felix. A kind woman had been feeding him and providing an outdoor shelter for the past couple of months. He was missing for a few days and when he showed up he had an injured leg and a neck wound. With the help of our friend and owner of Comfort’s Place, we were able to get Felix in to be treated for his injuries as well as getting him neutered and vaccinated. –

BUDHA – He Walked Into an EMS Vehicle and Was Saved

2/8/22 – Your donations not only saves the life of one animal, but it ensures that many other unwanted animals will not be born on the streets. Our friend who saved Charlie has a daughter who is an EMT in Detroit and she saw this sweetie shivering, and hungry. She opened the door to the ambulance and he jumped in. And, just like her mom, the daughter brought him home. The daughter said there was an outdoor shelter nearby with frozen urine inside. Of course, Budha, will now be neutered, vaccinated, and tested and will be adopted into a forever home. – diana.

CHARLIE – Brought to Safety on Christmas Eve by a Friend of 4p1h

2/8/22 Charlie just ‘hung around’ the neighborhood without having anyone to claim him. Our friend, Shawn, contacted us for help and because of our amazing supporters, we once again said yes. Shawn took in the little guy Christmas Eve and promised to find him a home. There is nothing better than knowing that another little soul will never have to be cold and fending for himself on the streets again.-