10/22/23 – Aoife was found less than 2 weeks ago. We covered her 1st vet visit and committed to her vaccines and Spay surgery. Her rescuer is looking for a good home. She is about 11 weeks old, super smart, and very lovable. I have offered to give her rescuer a breather and hold onto her for 1 -2 weeks, but she can not stay longer. Please help me share her to find the best possible home. For more information my email is [email protected]. Once again, the need is neverending and it takes a village. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


10/19/23 She is a sweet adorable stray kitten who was rescued after being found attacked by a dog. She has puncture wounds and a broken leg. Her rescuer reached out to us before our hold and we committed to Keke for help. She’s been seen for the diagnosis and treatment of wounds, and she has another veterinary visit lined up to address the broken leg. Please send prayers for these innocent babies who need our help. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


10/18/23. Sebastian, Simon, Sonia, and Sarah were rescued after being tossed out the door to fend for themselves. Their owner was placed into assisted living and the person in charge of the estate decided to let them all outside. There were 5 but only 4 were found so far, and most of them had never been outside prior to beingabandoned. A caring neighbor and rescuer contacted us for help to get the family of five checked out by a doctor and caught up on necessary medical/vaccines. We have seen Sébastien and Sonia so far and today we will have Sarah and Simon examined. All the cats are flea infested and in need of general care, dental, Vax, and tests. If you would like to help the link is posted below. Please share or consider adopting. I’ll post the email contact for more information. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


10/16/23 – Another commitment, another life saved. Thank you Angelina Saputo – Diana

Sorry for the delay the last 11 or 12 days are a blurr with no sleep, crying , working, driving all over the planet, and the worst almost losing lil Star that we saved 4th of July! He was tiny, hungry, scared, alone, starving, maybe 9-10 weeks old when he came to my front window on the 4th. His sybling gone. It was just him…Terrified! He had been on his own for six days without sybling and who knows how long without mama.

Cuddling after trapping commensed after a few hours if convincing. Then kept him a month no fleas, playing with my kitties all got along. Then 2 vaccines all was good. On to neuter and 2nd rds of vaccines was told swollen lymphnodes but vet said proceed. Next day after neuter 106.7 fever rushed back to vet fliuds and antibiotics. The next day still doing bad back to vet checked fever down keep up antibiotics. Got better for few days then down this lil guy went again 105. 8 fever not opening eyes limp to pick up. Rushed to emergency vet stronger antibiotics blood draw said from sick fleas bite. Said only takes one! Ummm hence the no fleas when found then treated on 1st rd vax day?

Star is getting better again! 21 days of meds should do it this time all pray! I thought I would lose mind. I know all rescue peeps that read this know what I mean. I love him so much and so does his new sister and 4 big brothers he gained. Being babied, loved lots, and monitored closely. Without 4 Paws 1 Heart this lil guy and many others we saved would have died. A Big Thank You to all and to God especially for giving me the strength to do this! Onward March Lil Star Warroir! Ox Angelina Saputo P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


This is National Veterinary Technician week and I would like to thank my colleagues and friends for their compassion, dedication, and hard work they put in every day.

It was 16 years ago when I took my Oath.

“I solemnly dedicate myself to aiding animals and society by providing excellent care and services for animals, by alleviating animal suffering, and by promoting public health. I accept my obligations to practice my profession conscientiously and with sensitivity, adhering to the profession’s Code of Ethics, and furthering my knowledge and competence through a commitment to lifelong learning.”

This is a never ending lifelong commitment to advocating, educating, and helping those animals who depend on us.

Diana has built valuable relationships with staff members at several hospitals who have worked with us over the years. They provide care for the stray animals in need and we are beyond grateful for them.

There is so much that goes into each little life that is saved starting with the rescue, then the transportation, the housing, feeding, socializing, networking, medical care, general vetting, prevention, placement, etc… That’s only part of it and we are blessed to assist in the lives of so many because of our supporters like YOU.

So, on this National Veterinary technician week and every day thereafter, I’d like to give a special thank you to everyone in this field who keeps going because you are critical in the welfare of animals.

Muffins’ is one of the thousands given a 2nd chance. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


10/16/23 Rest in Peace Sammy.

Back in September he was found outside with some sort of injury that resulted in being unable to urinate and have a bowl movement normally.

His bladder and colon would fill up abnormally large until he could only leak or occasionally pass some material.

Radiographs showed a disc narrowing involving his lower spine, and the doctors suspect there was nerve damage causing Sammy inability to empty his bowls and bladder.

We tried antibiotics, anti inflammatory, stool softeners, and pain meds, but nothing worked. After closely being monitored by his rescuers the Humane decision was to euthanize him. No more suffering. Although his time was short he was certainly loved and cared for. Thank you Kim and Jo for always putting your hearts into those who depend on us. Without our supporters Sammy would have suffered a miserable life of pain on the streets. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


10/16/23 Last month I was contacted about Shelia and Timmy two kittens in Harper Woods that were rescued from outside. They were approaching the age where mating could happen and we committed to helping them with medical so we got Timmy into Moore Veterinary Hospital a couple weeks ago for neutering, vaccines, and deworming. Sheila will be scheduled for her spay very soon and they are both doing great. Please remember that it takes a village. There are so many animals roaming the street cold, hungry and scared. There are simply not enough resources to help all of them. Thank you to those like Amy, who try and don’t turn the other way. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080