1/12/25 – On December 21, 5-week old Coraline was found under Bev’s husband’s car. They took her to an emergency hospital where she was told that Coraline had a pelvic injury which would heal on its own. She had no use of her back leg; they gave her gabapentin . She wasn’t urinating or defecating on her own at the time although she is now. She was eating and drinking on her own.
The rescuers continued to be concerned and took to their vet. The doctor there said Coraline had a fractured pelvis and no use of her back legs as well as no control of her bowels and bladder, although the rescuer said that she had been going regularly on her own. The vet did x rays, etc. and said they would get an opinion from an orthopedic. The vet thought Coraline was in pretty bad shape.
The orthopedic report stated that the fractures appear to be healing on their own. Also, Bev reports that Coraline is doing a little walking. Somewhere along the line Coraline was diagnosed with a hernia. So, with the good news from the orthopedic, we authorized Coraline to be tested (if not done already), vaccinated, and spayed which would include the repair for the hernia.
The rescuers fell very much in love with this beautiful girl and have already spent a great deal of their own money to help in her recovery. She is on crate rest and will be seen by our partner veterinary at Orion Animal Hospital. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/