1/8/25 – As the rescuer, Lisa, said, “Who names a kitten Baby Sheriff?” Well she did and she has fallen in love with him. Baby Sheriff came into Lisa’s life around Thanksgiving when he came up to her while she was walking back from the store in the pouring rain. She couldn’t turn him away and brought him home. When Lisa called All About Animals to make an appointment she was told that appointments were 6 months out and they told her to contact 4 paws 1 heart. Lisa did just that and now Sheriff Baby will be tested, vaccinated, and neutered at Five Mile Animal Hospital with one of our favorites, Dr. Mina. We are thankful for the many generous people who made donations over the holidays even though the economy continues to be difficult.
Orphans like Sheriff Baby would die on the streets if it weren’t for our amazing village. – diana
https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ P.S. The first two photos are of Sheriff Baby when he first approached her in the rain.