
4/21/13 I have to say that I didn’t grow up with any pets. And, over the last 34 years I’ve only had cats. But, family members have dogs and I love them dearly. Then Hercules came into our lives and I can’t tell you what a joy that was. Hercules was so broken when he first came to us from Matt Virgadamo who was the ACO in Eastpointe at the time. Gina took him in to foster and was there for the trial against Herc’s owner. Unfortunately the pos only got a year probation but Hercules got a chance at a new life. We’ve learned a lot since then. Gina took him everywhere to socialize him amongst good human beings. I’ll never forget the day last year when we took him to the Paul Mitchell beauty school. On our way home he just collapsed in the back seat after a very tiring day of belly rubs. Hercules is a special being who stills gets so excited when he hears Gina’s voice. I thought that I would throw a few photos of him together. Here he is shortly after he was brought to us; then the photo of him falling asleep in the car; a photo of him at Derek and Penny’s with their little one; and finally a photo taken of him by my friend, Joe Fabian. And, as always, we are very thankful for Lori Jobak of 4Paws Health & Wellness who worked with our Herc for 9 months providing hydro-therapy and getting helping Herc to once again be able to walk and to Dr. Tari Kern and her husband, Chris, who miraculously came to us and adopted this very special boy. ~ diana

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