Happy 2015 From 4 Paws 1 Heart

sonic:dino20141/1/15 – Gina, our Board, and I want to wish everyone a 2015 filled with much love, laughter, good health, and loving pampered pets. It has been such a phenomenal year — nearly $85,000 spent on medical bills. I just cannot believeĀ the number of wonderfully loving people who continue to support us and the animals who rely on us humans to survive. This is one of those few moments where words escape me but to all of those who have made the difference by donating money, food, linens, or offering up your homes to foster or adopt, or by responding to calls in the middle of the night to rescue. and to the many veterinarians and veterinary technicians who give up their hearts for very little money, we just say Thank You for joining us on this journey. May God Bless and Watch Over All Of You. ~ diana


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