Somerset – Update

Somerset Update♡ A good Samaritan saw her walking out of a bush last Sunday. An employee of the building said a stray dog had some pups, but he thought they had all died. That’s when the good Samaritan scooped Somerset up and, shortly thereafter, we were contacted.

Today marks day 8 since she was found, and the positive energy from our supporters is working! Thank YOU! Here is Dr. Maria giving lots of love and Somerset is soaking it up. Daily bandage changes are taking place because of some skin that was traumatized and is now sloughing off. While the healing takes place those areas are being protected to prevent infection, so a t-shirt was made for her. The doctors feel that her age is an advantage to her healing quickly, and we trust them with her life 100%. Everything happens for a reason…I don’t know what hers is… but Somerset is a GIFT.


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