9/10/15 – Along with your continued prayers for Sommerset, remember Nino and Wicket. They are seeing a specialist in Manx Syndrome in Jackson, MI this afternoon. It will break our hearts if the prognosis is that they cannot have a good quality of life. ~ diana
A report from Chance:
“Helllooo Team Chance! Soooo, my two little charges Nino & Wicket are still having a lot of problems due to having M

anx Syndrome. Sadly this is caused by in breeding when cats are dumped outside and allowed to keep reproducing over & over again. They have no tails. Nino has a stub, but its off to the side a bit. And Wicket has not even a nub. They have digestion issues, trouble pooing, spines that are not properly formed which could cause spinal bifida. Mom & Auntie Debra Berolatti will travel tomorrow to Jackson to take the small frys to a vet there that has a great deal of expertise in Manx Syndrome. The vets here said if they were to possibly grow out of these issues it would have been by now. Sadly, that is not the case. Its been up & down for these guys and we want to hear from an expert on whether they will get better. Thankyou 4 Paws 1 Heart for being there for these babies and making it possible for them to see Dr. Owings. Please keep the little guys in your prayers tomorrow ♥”