7/1/16 – WHAT WOULD YOU DO?? It was about 7:00 Monday evening when a man, driving on I-94 in St. Clair Shores, saw cars swerving around an object in the road. The object turned out to be a very sick, 4-month old animal. The man immediately pulled over and with the help of another driver, stopped all traffic and was able to get the dying dog into his car. He then contacted his brother who then met up with him and took the dog to a local emergency hospital. The dog was very sick and was immediately put on fluids which helped her get through the night. Because the dog was found in St. Clair Shores, which contracts all animal control services with the County, the following morning the Macomb County Animal Control was contacted. Any other county animal control would have probably instructed the hospital to humanely euthanize the dog because she was so ill but instead they immediately picked up the dog and brought her to Advanced Animal Emergency which is the hospital they work closely with. And, then, the Chief contacted us.
I was told that a very sick and very sweet dog had been brought to the emergency hospital and was asked if we could pay to save her. I spoke with the doctor who explained that Daisy Mae was indeed very ill and was suspected to have Parvo although there weren’t the typical outward symptoms. The doctor then laid out a 48-hour plan to treat Daisy Mae in hopes of saving her. It was then that we committed to do what we could to save this sweet girl who somehow wound up dying in the middle of I-94.
By the next day, Daisy Mae was in full blown Parvo and although everyone was praying, we still weren’t sure if Daisy Mae would pull through. The staff couldn’t thank us enough for helping them in their efforts to save this sweet baby. And, finally, it happened. I got the call saying that Daisy Mae had turned the corner and if everything continued to go well, Daisy Mae could be released today, July 1. But, where would she be released to?? The shelter?? She was still on a ‘stray hold’. Because of Daisy Mae’s compromised health, no one wanted to risk her going to the shelter but we knew her spirit would be improved if she could get out of the hospital.
GOOD NEWS! While all of this was going on, our hero’s brother had actually contacted Macomb County Animal Control because he wanted to adopt Daisy Mae. I immediately gave him a call. He told me about his house, his double lot which is all fenced in, and his retired dad who lives with him. I just knew he was going to be a great dad to Daisy Mae. With the help of Chief Randazzo, Ron B. will be completing the appropriate paperwork, and will be allowed to foster Daisy Mae until the ‘stray hold’ is up. At that time, we will have completed the adoption application process and Daisy Mae will, hopefully, have her forever loving home with a full-time grandpa and lots of room to run around.
Paws crossed that Daisy Mae will be released today to her potential new dad. I will keep everyone updated. On this holiday week-end when we celebrate our independence and remember all of those heroes who fought to make this possible, I couldn’t think of a better story of two heroes who cared enough to get involved and save a life. ~ diana