6/29/16 – Meet Harley. She just showed up at someone’s home, looking to have been abandoned/lost for a while. The homeowner was going to take her to the shelter where it was almost certain she would be euthanized. A neighbor decided to take Harley but, unfortunately, due to a drug issue, Harley was just left outside and never tended to and after about a week and a half, that neighbor was gone and Harley was left to fend for herself without food and water. Fortunately, another kind family realized what had happened and took Harley in. They brought her to a veterinary clinic to be checked for a microchip — there was none. She had on a collar (more like a belt) which had already started to embed itself into her neck. Her eyes were very swollen, and, overall, poor Harley just appeared to have been neglected/abused for a very long time. The family was already becoming very attached to Harley who was in obvious need of love. Although a little skiddish and unfamiliar with a home environment, she quickly took to the family. Harley was again taken to a veterinary clinic to have them check her eyes and get a heart worm test. Unfortunately, Harley was found to be slight positive for heart worm and have Entropia of the eyes. The caring family could not keep Harley and give her what was needed without help so they contacted us. We felt that poor abandoned and abused Harley deserved a second chance at life and now she will be treated for heart worm and her eye issue which may require a specialist.
There are so many animals who will never be adopted because an adopter may not be able to afford the medical treatment; as in the case of Harley and so many others we’ve helped. This is another case, where we would not have been able to make the commitment without the great success of the Father’s Day Challenge. Thank You for giving Harley and the many other abandoned and abused companion animals a second chance on love. ~ diana