7/3/16 – You may remember that Magic (aka Mr. Pickles) was rescued when he was laying in the middle of the street, unable to walk. 4 Paws 1 Heart was contacted and we had him see the great doctors and staff at Hartrick Veterinary Clinic. It was determined that Mr. Pickles’ leg was broken and that surgery would have to be done. Surgery, which included the installation of a pin, was successful and Mr. Pickles is in his new home, loving life. Here is his new mom’s update:
“Hello I am just updating you on the kitten I have re named him Pickles ♡ Mr.Pickles is doing amazing he is eating and using his litter box and is walking. He cries whenever he is away from me and wants to sleep next to me. It is the sweetest thing
He is the sweetest cat I have ever seen I am so fortunate to have found him and an incredible rescue like 4 paws 1 heart. Thank you so much again. I promise he will have a happy loved life ♡♡♡ Caitlin”