Annie – Sends Flowers to Gina – Her Savior

3/17/18 – 29343063_1841761719189451_8118768667912406224_nannie 3:17:18_annie 3:17:18annie 3:17:18+Thank you “Annie” for the beautiful flower arrangement I received today. I am so blessed to have been able to give you a chance at life. Alicia made our initial connection and all the more reason why I stand behind the fact that it takes a village. She stood up for you when you were only 3 days old, and she pushed for your family to give you a Fighting Chance by giving you up to me. If it were not for her you would not be here. I just so happened to know how to keep you alive once you were in my possession, and now you will live a happy life surrounded by love.
I think it is safe to say that you are officially in your new home. Your new mommy and daddy love you so much 🙂 Thank you Julie, I know Annie is in the best hands.
This is why my ♡ goes on… Gina

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