Alley – Update – After Both Eyes Had to be Removed, She is Doing Great and Had a Photo Shoot

1/31/19 – My heart swells with this update. ~ diana

“Remember our sweet Alley who is feline leukemia positive and needed her eyes removed? She’s all healed up and her fur has mostly grown back in. So, of course this calls for some studio time!

Thank you to all who donated for our gorgeous girl. She is MUCH happier and feeling better without the pain from her eyes. She’s making her way around the house without any trouble, and she even plays now. An extra special thank you goes to Diana Rascano and 4 Paws 1 Heart for covering Alley’s surgery. We are so grateful for all of the help. Alley has a wonderful life now because of the amazing people in our lives! – Foster Mom Emily”alley 2:8:19