12/8/19 – Without our supporters and rescuers, many animals would have died on the cold streets or been born on the streets to fend for themselves — only to be hit by cars, freeze in the severe winter weather, or to be tortured by cruel humans.
Mister is an older boy who was being cared for in a cat community. His caretaker has
tnr’d some 79 cats and either found them homes or cared for them in the community. When Mister was first tnr’d (trapped, neutered, released), the rescuer was told he had no teeth so she made sure that he always had we food to eat. Last month he showed up and appeared to be in pain. the rescuer thought that he might have a blocked anal gland. She called on us for help.
Mister quickly saw a vet and poor Mister had two holes on each side of his anus. The doctor drained the abscesses and provided medication. The rescuer had to drain his wounds twice a day. Mister had a follow up visit with the doctor and he is doing great and no longer needs the abscesses drained. Mister has been living comfortably in the bedroom of the rescuer and she will make sure he has a forever home ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080