Jasper – Update

1/5/20 – Please continue your prayers for our boy. I’m confident that had he not been rescued, he would have died a horrible death. We just pray that we can help him recover fully. He couldn’t be in better hands than with our Board member and Chance’s mom, Denise. – diana

“Good morning Team, Happy Sunday!
Sooo, my mini me Jasper is not moving around too much this morning. Mom says he was actually feeling better last night then he does this morning. But he did eat his breakfast and moms hoping he feels better after he makes 💩. Moms giving him Mirilax to help with that. Also last night he peed on his own in the box, but nothing overnight and mom had to express him this morning. Annnnd his abscess had closed overnight so mom had to reopen it this morning. Not sure who shed more tears over that, Jasper or mom. We know it was painful to Jasper becuse, mom taking that scab off and gently prying the wound back open…becuse he cried. But….Dr. Z was very specific in her instructions about keeping it open at least a couple days so the infection can continue to drain. Mom knows what to do, and shes following Dr. Zs instructions to the letter. Work with us baby boy, we need you to make that turn around and start getting better! Please continue to keep Jasper in your prayers Team, these next couple days are soooo important that we get this turned around 🙏 – Chance”