7/921 4:30 p.m. Update – It appears we have resolution. I will update tomorrow if and when Zoe is picked up. Thank you to everyone who’s been trying to help.
7/9/21 – I inadvertently deleted the Posting on Zoe, the dog needing assistance at the Ingham County Animal Control Shelter. Here is what was posted. If anyone made offers to help on that post, please post here because unfortunately, when the post was deleted so was all of your comments. A rescue has been in contact with the Shelter and Zoe is safe at this time but placement has still not been worked out.
UPDATE II – Two rescue groups have stepped up, one in which works with that Countty shelter often. Also, the Shelter Director has been great and has been responding to the post on our main page, including mine, and knows that we have help and just a matter of coordinating it. The Shelter does not open until later in the morning but I will update when I hear something.
UPDATE: An experienced rescuer and person who we’ve helped often, has offered to pick up the dog. This person is about 2 hours from the shelter so if there is a rescue willing to pull or an individual who can assist her, please contact Diane: [email protected] message has been left at the shelter and she will be calling as soon as they open. We still may need a rescue to pull; we will see. Please understand that no one should be condemning the municipal shelter. I’ve said this numerous times, municipal shelters cannot refuse intake from their residents or strays found on the streets. They are limited by budgets and facilities. In this case, the dog had to be isolated because ring worm is very contagious. I will continue to keep everyone updated. -diana
