3/2 Update
Claudia is knuckeling under with her other front leg. Now we suspect there might be more going on. We dispensed 7 days of pain meds and want her to have strict crate rest. We are not going to jump into amputation without knowing that it is the cause of her pain. The rescuer will keep us updated. Gina
Claudia is one of the several requests for help we receive daily. She was from a litter of 3 females born outside and homeless. A kind woman stepped up to bottle feed all of them while noticing right away that this kitten had a deformity in the front paw. That didn’t stop Claudia from thriving but she is in pain, and not putting weight on that foot anymore. We offered to have her examined by one of our doctors at Moore Veterinary Hospital. She had to be anesthetized for a complete exam and radiographs. The doctors feel that she is hurting from maybe jumping and landing on that foot. Right now we tried a pain injection and rest to see if she feels better, but after an update today, it sounds like she is still in pain. Claudia is very small and pain med options for cats are limited. We are suspecting that she may need amputation of that paw to give her comfort, but she is still so little. We are working on figuring out a plan. If you would like to help please go to this link and put her name in the notes. I’ll update once we know more. Thank you! Gina
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080