Gracie the Rottie

2/27/25. HELP! Prayers needed! One of our biggest cases right now is this Rottie from last Monday that came in critical. We suspect she was used for breeding and dumped. She is currently in another surgery with Dr Hilton. He is an awesome surgeon! The inside of her rear leg formed lots of dead tissue from the attack which is why it was still draining and not healing.

This is surgery #2. She’s has been through so much and her bill is adding up real fast. If you can help us help her please donate.


I decided to name her GRACIE. She will also need a rescue group or foster home to recover. Basically, we really need your help with this girl who would have died if we hadn’t offered to help her. Also tomorrow is the last day of our match, so donations are doubled until tomorrow! Gina Thank you!

Moo Cow Injury

2/26/25. A few weeks ago a nice woman contacted us about a stray cat with an injury to the side of his face where a large part of his skin was missing.. She said he’d been roaming the neighborhood for a while and after noticing he was injured he disappeared for a few days. We offered to cover his medical care if she could secure him and give him a chance to heal. He was trapped and taken to one of our favorite vets Five Mile Animal Hospital where they took wonderful care of him. The rescuer, Gwyn, was so grateful that we were able to help. Moo Cow will now have a chance to be off the streets and in a warm loving home.

Only a few more days for our Valentine’s Day match where your donations are doubled up until Feb 28th.

Thank you for your 4 Paws 1 Heart support.

Oscar Was Found Sick and Injured

2/25/25. Oscar was found injured and sick. His rescuer covered getting the initial vetting taken care of and asked if we would help with the dental and extractions. We set Oscar up with an exam appointment and the doctor definitely thinks there will need to be some teeth pulled. You can see the canine on the bottom is sticking out forward. Dental and anesthesia is scheduled for next week.

He is a sweet boy who will be in need of a forever home. Gina

Rottie Update – Wounds Trying to Heal

2/23/25. – The wounds are trying to heal, but I’m worried about the one inside her leg. The drain tube was pulled, but there is a lot of swelling and fluid oozing from the incision. She loves belly rubs and turkey! Tomorrow will be one week stray hold and not one call from anyone claiming her. We have scheduled her spay surgery and she will still need all vaccines and preventative. Her heartworm check was negative. She’s also being treated for an ear infection.

We are in need of a rescue group or a very committed foster to help with placement. If you know anyone with Rottie experience please contact me if they can help. Time is of the essence because boarding life is not good for her or any animal that has gone through this much trauma.

If you can donate please help. Only 4 days left for our match where your donations are doubled. Thank you, Gina

Rest In Peace Oliver

2/23/25 – A compassionate group of neighbors in Saint Clair Shores came together to rescue and secure an injured stray cat they named Oliver. It took months of hope, frustration, failed attempts, and an abundance of emotions but then it happened and Oliver was trapped successfully! We were on standby and had already approved him being seen by a local vet for his injuries. The appointment was scheduled for Feb 13th. The neighbors came up with a plan of action for his transport to the hospital and the goal was to get Oliver checked out and eventually adopted.

He was taken to his appointment, but he never made it home. Oliver required sedation in order to be fully examined, and he died during recovery. There may have been an underlying health issue that no one could possibly have been aware of. These people who did not even know each other worked so hard to rescue and bring Oliver to safety. They all had the same goal in mind, which was to plan a future where he would no longer live on the street or suffer.

Although his fate ended in tragedy his life mattered and I felt his rescue mission should be recognized. When his lifeless body was brought back into the exam room, these kind hearted individuals said a prayer over him before leaving without him.

Rest in peace Oliver Gina

5 Kittens

2/21/25 – These 5 kittens were spayed and neutered this week with the help of 4 paws 1 heart. If you are interested in more information about these adorable babies please contact, Kittens in the Mitten Rescue organization. We still have our donation match happening until Feb 28th. All donations are doubled.

Donations can also be sent to 4 Paws 1 Heart, P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 Thank you!!

Simon Update

2/19/25 – While Gina and I are transitioning to 4 paws 1 heart Part II, you will still be seeing a few posts from me. I still have a few more cases to share with you. In the mean time,

I thought it would be appropriate to give a happy update of our Simon who continues to live with our good friend, supporter, and rescuer, Jo A. It was a brutal night of snow and frigid temperatures in December, 2017 when I got a call from the son of a woman who was renting a room from what I later felt to be a very cruel woman. His mom was at work and had just learned that her cat had once again been thrown out into the snow in below zero temperatures because the cat, Simon, had ‘missed’ the litter box. The son didn’t know what to do and because this had happened before he felt Simon needed to be rescued. I wasn’t quite sure what to do because 4 paws 1 heart isn’t a rescue; we don’t have any other resources than medical assistance but I called a person, Jo, who had helped before (and has since become a very good friend) and she immediately traveled the very slippery roads to catch Simon with the help of the son.

Once Simon was safe and warm in Jo’s home it was discovered that something appeared to be wrong with his leg. Simon was tested, vaccinated, and neutered but the doctors couldn’t determine what was wrong with Simon’s mobility. We then approved financial help with our favorite rehabilitation and veterinary doctor, Dr. Tari Kern. Simon went through a few sessions but nothing helped. It wasn’t known whether his issue was the result of some trauma or whether he had been born with the disability. There were many who recommended Simon be humanely euthanized because he would always need special attention and never be adoptable. But his rescuer, Jo, wouldn’t hear of it.

Jo says that Simon is the sweetest boy and doesn’t even know anything is wrong with him. Jo continues to rescue with the help of 4 paws 1 heart and has brought many cats and kittens into her home. Today, some 8 years later, Simon has taken on the role of ‘best buddy’ to many who have been rescued from the streets or abusive situations.

His very best and longest buddy is Bob who was also helped with funds from 4 paws 1 heart. The bottom line is than none of this would be possible without our generous donors, the rescuers, and our network of amazing doctors.

Thank you so very much for being a part of this village.- diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080 We are half way to our Match Goal of $2,500, so if you can, please donate today.

Update on Injured Stray Rottie

2/18 /25 – I wanted to post a quick update on the stray Rottweiler that I shared last night. Surgery could not wait due to bleeding and risk of infection. The wonderful team at Moore Veterinary Hospital went to work clipping, cleaning, flushing, and surgically closing everything. The staff dedicated their break to working on her and squeezing her into the fully booked schedule.

She is currently recovering and on lots of pain meds. There were old and new wounds, some deep tearing through her muscles and others superficial involving her head, tail, legs, and ears. Most of the pictures are too graphic to show so these are only a few. While getting everything ready and letting the morphine kick in, one of our assistants named Laura, made sure this sweet girl had some TV to watch featuring, Bluey.

4 Paws 1 Heart is covering all of her medical. A client donated $100 when they saw her being carried in yesterday, so today, that money went towards some dog food. Please keep her in your prayers as she is not out of the woods yet.

Meanwhile, we will continue to do everything we can. If anyone is interested in donating a toy, a bag of food, or a monetary donation let me know. Please remember that your donations are being DOUBLED up until February 28th!

Lastly, I want to thank the two young gentleman who saw her being attacked, buy two other dogs. They intervened and then transported her for help. She would have bled to death because there was an arterial vessel that was squirting blood and had to be tied off when she arrived.

PS. I would love some name suggestions so that I don’t have to keep calling her “Sweet Girl or Rottie”.Gina Donations can also be sent to 4 Paws 1 Heart, P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

Injured Stray Rottie

2/17/2025 – This injured stray Rottie was found this afternoon cold, wet, barely responding, and covered in very serious bite wounds. Her legs, head, tail, ears, and inside of her mouth are bloody with holes and abrasions.

She is currently at Moore Veterinary Hospital getting supportive care and treatment until surgery can happen. 4 Paws 1 Heart is backing her medical to treat her shock and keep her comfortable while we search for her owner. We will hopefully have more information tomorrow. In the meantime, she has been posted on lost and found pages and shared in the community.

We always hope that this is a situation where someone’s pet just got out and will be reunited with a positive outcome. However, there is always the chance that she might have been dumped, used for bait or breeding, etc.

Please send positive vibes for this sweet girl. In the meantime, she is in good hands with the Moore Veterinary Hospital team. Gina

Donations save lives and this girl is an example of why we are here. P.S. Don’t forget that your donations today will be matched up to $2500. Please help us meet our goal. P.O. Box 84, St Clair Shores, MI 48080

Hope Was Tossed Out Like Garbage

2/16/25 – Hope was tossed out like garbage, her litter of kittens were taken away by the family who threw her outside, they moved out of the city, and abandoned her.

A kind young girl who lived next door saw what happened and let Hope in her house. She quickly realized this poor cat was covered in bite wounds but she couldn’t keep her, pay for medical, or provide placement. We were contacted but we are not a rescue. I reached out to our amazing board member Dee Brown Gudenau. She has always come through to help me in emergency cases like this where I just couldn’t let this cat suffer. Dee said YES so we made sure Hope saw a doctor and received immediate attention for her wounds. Dee brought her home and now almost 1 year later Hope is established in her forever home with a doggie friend!!!

Here are the before and after pics of the amazing happy new journey! Gina Our Valentine’s match is still going on! Your donation is doubled up to $2,500.