Mouse, Daisy, Boo, Bean, and Eve – Born in a Home Where the Owner Couldn’t Care for Them

7/30/20 – An elderly, disabled man had a male cat and female cat who were not spayed/neutered. Of course, the female got pregnant and had 4 kittens. The man could not handle this and, fortunately, someone stepped in to help. That woman ended up contacting a person, Bonnie, who we’ve helped several times. Bonnie contacted us for help to get the mom, her 3 kittens, and a 1 week-old baby, who had been abandoned, to get tested, examined, vaccinated, and spayed/neutered when ready. We agreed and everyone is scheduled for September 8. Fortunately, for 2 weeks mama nursed the abandoned baby but then stopped. Bonnie continued to bottle feed the baby even though she didn’t much like the nipple. The spayed mom will return to the elderly man and I have been assured that the male will be neutered before that happens. All of the babies will be available for adoption after their September appointment. If you are interested, contact: Here is mama, Mouse, her babies — Daisy, Boo, Bean, and Eve (the ‘bottle’ baby’) – diana
mouse 7:30:20 Daisy 7:30:20 boo 7:30:20 bean 7:30:20