8/6/14 – Although it has put a strain on our budget, 4p1h is always happy to help individual rescuers when they are trying to save a life OR stop the explosion of unwanted cats and dogs. A great friend of ours contacted us about Katie. She has been examined and given medication and when she is healthy, she will be spayed. Here is her story: ~ Diana
“Katie is about nine month’s old and appears to have an upper respiratory infection. She coughs real bad and sneezes . She is a great cat, friendly for the most part and very happy in spite of being sick. I have taken her to a vet before and treated her with antibiotics. Since then she is sick again . I hate to say it but I can not pay for her vet bills. I have five cats inside and one outside at my house that I take care of. She is a good cat and I know the people at the shop try to take care of her. They change her litter and feed her daily. However they are not able to take her to the vet. Can you help?”
8/8/14 Katie Update – Katie was seen by the great doctors at Patterson Veterinary Hospital. She was examined and tested negative for FIV/FELV. She was given medication for her upper respiratory infection. Thank You to the employees of the shop where Katie is calls her home for taking care of her and for the donation! We will continue to be there for this sweet girl.~ diana