CHANCE: Its that time Team, time to tuck in the Gang and take my place snuggled up next to mom. Six years ago today mom saw a plea for help about a paralyzed cat from Genessee County. That cat was me! Thanks to my amazing friend Tammy Beal at that shelter, 4 Paws 1 Heart, great drs and mine and moms hard work and a whole lotta love I learned to walk again. Please dont overlook animals who are facing challenges, we all need love and our own cheering section! Special needs animals deserve their Second Chance. They deserve a SuperHero. Please be a SuperHero for an animal who needs you Nitenite Team!
Chance – Celebrates 6 Years of a Second Chance at Life
3/24/21 – Our Feline Mascot and Hero – Chance. He was scheduled to be euthanized when after being neutered his back legs were paralyzed. Tammy, a volunteer with the Genesee County Shelter, made the right call and a kind DTE employee transported him . He and his rescue mom worked hard under the guidance and care of Dr. Kern and the staff of Pawsitive Steps rehabilitation and therapy. And the rest is history. You can follow our boy’s journey on our website.- diana