Gracie Spay Surgery Update

3/20/25. Gracie Update! She is resting comfortably after a really big day. Everything went well, thanks to our awesome surgeon, Doctor Hilton. Huge Thank you to the staff at Moore Veterinary Hospital for taking such good care, of Gracie!

Today, the spay was done and you could tell she has definitely had multiple litters.

Leg sutures were removed, but there is an opening that we are going to give more time to heal. A pierce through the tongue was noticed and an x ray of her tail was taken to make sure infection did not spread to the bone or require amputation from the bite wounds.

A very kind couple has offered to foster so that we can get Gracie out of the hospital and into a home environment. They have already gone above and beyond to provide any necessary items, that Gracie will need. My husband and I will bring her there on Saturday.

This has been a very long 4 weeks consisting of medical management, nursing care, dedication, surgeries, time, cost, sacrifice, and networking for placement. Miss Gracie and I are very tired, but the end goal is to get her healthy and into a home where she will never experience pain again. This is her chance to shine!

If you would like to help with some of the medical costs for Gracie and animals just like her that are found on the streets, here is our link because we could not do this without YOU!!!

Gina Thank you!!!

Gracie Update

3/9/25 – Gracie Update. The culture of her leg wound came back with a variety of nasty bacteria. Another antibiotic was added in to her daily treatments, but as of today her incision is oozing, and it’s NOT supposed to be. She’s also painful on the leg despite regular pain meds and the bite wounds on her tail are not healing.

I am very worried and tomorrow we will be consulting with the surgeon for next steps. Not only is this bill adding up fast, but Gracie needs to heal so we can get her spay surgery and then work on finding the forever home that she deserves .

I want to thank Brenda, Natalie, Laura, Tracey, Ann, and the rest of the staff at Moore Veterinary Hospital for taking on some of the shifts to medicate and let Gracie out to poddie. Also, for giving love, donating food, helping with ice packs, Laser therapy, and making sure her bedding and belly are tended to at all times. I especially want to thank my husband Dave, for going with me to care for Gracie at the hospital almost every night for the last 3 weeks..

I’ll update once we talk to the doctor this week, but please keep her in your prayers. If you are interested in helping us help her here is the link. Thank you ♡ Gina

Gracie the Rottie

2/27/25. HELP! Prayers needed! One of our biggest cases right now is this Rottie from last Monday that came in critical. We suspect she was used for breeding and dumped. She is currently in another surgery with Dr Hilton. He is an awesome surgeon! The inside of her rear leg formed lots of dead tissue from the attack which is why it was still draining and not healing.

This is surgery #2. She’s has been through so much and her bill is adding up real fast. If you can help us help her please donate.


I decided to name her GRACIE. She will also need a rescue group or foster home to recover. Basically, we really need your help with this girl who would have died if we hadn’t offered to help her. Also tomorrow is the last day of our match, so donations are doubled until tomorrow! Gina Thank you!

Rottie Update – Wounds Trying to Heal

2/23/25. – The wounds are trying to heal, but I’m worried about the one inside her leg. The drain tube was pulled, but there is a lot of swelling and fluid oozing from the incision. She loves belly rubs and turkey! Tomorrow will be one week stray hold and not one call from anyone claiming her. We have scheduled her spay surgery and she will still need all vaccines and preventative. Her heartworm check was negative. She’s also being treated for an ear infection.

We are in need of a rescue group or a very committed foster to help with placement. If you know anyone with Rottie experience please contact me if they can help. Time is of the essence because boarding life is not good for her or any animal that has gone through this much trauma.

If you can donate please help. Only 4 days left for our match where your donations are doubled. Thank you, Gina

Update on Injured Stray Rottie

2/18 /25 – I wanted to post a quick update on the stray Rottweiler that I shared last night. Surgery could not wait due to bleeding and risk of infection. The wonderful team at Moore Veterinary Hospital went to work clipping, cleaning, flushing, and surgically closing everything. The staff dedicated their break to working on her and squeezing her into the fully booked schedule.

She is currently recovering and on lots of pain meds. There were old and new wounds, some deep tearing through her muscles and others superficial involving her head, tail, legs, and ears. Most of the pictures are too graphic to show so these are only a few. While getting everything ready and letting the morphine kick in, one of our assistants named Laura, made sure this sweet girl had some TV to watch featuring, Bluey.

4 Paws 1 Heart is covering all of her medical. A client donated $100 when they saw her being carried in yesterday, so today, that money went towards some dog food. Please keep her in your prayers as she is not out of the woods yet.

Meanwhile, we will continue to do everything we can. If anyone is interested in donating a toy, a bag of food, or a monetary donation let me know. Please remember that your donations are being DOUBLED up until February 28th!

Lastly, I want to thank the two young gentleman who saw her being attacked, buy two other dogs. They intervened and then transported her for help. She would have bled to death because there was an arterial vessel that was squirting blood and had to be tied off when she arrived.

PS. I would love some name suggestions so that I don’t have to keep calling her “Sweet Girl or Rottie”.Gina Donations can also be sent to 4 Paws 1 Heart, P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

Injured Stray Rottie

2/17/2025 – This injured stray Rottie was found this afternoon cold, wet, barely responding, and covered in very serious bite wounds. Her legs, head, tail, ears, and inside of her mouth are bloody with holes and abrasions.

She is currently at Moore Veterinary Hospital getting supportive care and treatment until surgery can happen. 4 Paws 1 Heart is backing her medical to treat her shock and keep her comfortable while we search for her owner. We will hopefully have more information tomorrow. In the meantime, she has been posted on lost and found pages and shared in the community.

We always hope that this is a situation where someone’s pet just got out and will be reunited with a positive outcome. However, there is always the chance that she might have been dumped, used for bait or breeding, etc.

Please send positive vibes for this sweet girl. In the meantime, she is in good hands with the Moore Veterinary Hospital team. Gina

Donations save lives and this girl is an example of why we are here. P.S. Don’t forget that your donations today will be matched up to $2500. Please help us meet our goal. P.O. Box 84, St Clair Shores, MI 48080

Quick Update on Cocoa Bean / JoJo

2/6/25 – I had to post a quick update on Cocoa Bean, who is now named JoJo.

We always say that it takes a village, and that is the truth especially in this case of neglect. I was able to see this sweet girl yesterday to recheck her weight and to say my heart was full, is an understatement. JoJo gained 20 pounds since her last visit!

She lived her entire 14 year life, tied to a tree, sleeping on the concrete through all types of weather. She was malnourished, bald spots all over from the pavement, she had parasites, a bladder infection, arthritis, she was broken and defeated.

Until, it took one person who would not give up to start the ball rolling and ultimately save this girl who I believe, would have frozen to death this winter.

I feel fortunate to have been a part of her new journey in life and because of your support, we were able help get JoJo onto the best path.


His Name is Max

1/17/25 – His name is Max.

He’s been in solitary for years–locked in a cage or bathroom. Standing in his own urine and feces. He was never allowed outside. He received no love and his only communication was someone yelling at him. He was flea infested, had a wounded tail, and most of his teeth are missing from trying to bite out of the cage he was kept in. He was finally rescued by someone aware of the situation but unable to help for years.

That person immediately took Max to All About Animals to be treated for fleas, and tested for heart worm. Unfortunately, Max tested positive for heart worm and was started on his 30-day pre-treatment.

4 paws 1 heart will cover his heart worm treatment and neuter at one of our partner veterinary clinics. Please pray for Max that his body and spirit can recover from so much abuse. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Buddy, Rescued from the Streets of Detroit

1/10/25 – We were contacted by the son-in-law of the man who rescued Buddy from the streets of Detroit. An owner could not be located and the family wanted to give this very sweet dog a furever loving home.

Buddy was seen at Orion Animal Hospital for testing, vaccinations and neuter. Thankfully, Buddy, is no longer on the streets, especially during this frigid weather. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080