Paws Crossed for Diego

9/11/24 – FIRST — Let me apologize to our supporters who have generously donated in the past couple weeks to help the stray animals being born and left out on our streets. Unfortunately, my amazing 93 year old dad passed away this past Sunday after almost 6 weeks in home hospice and I’ve been embarrassingly slow in recognizing those donations. BUT I have tried to stay somewhat current in at least continuing to help those animals in need.

This is Diego. He was recently rescued by an independent rescuer we have assisted in the past. Unfortunately, he tested for heart worm a month ago and the rescuer was able to take care of the first 30 days of medication but she asked for our assistance with his injections which we are doing.

Paws crossed for this very abused boy who was left at the rescuer’s door step. – diana

Big Daddy and Farrah Both Stray Dogs

8/14/24 – Big Daddy and Farrah are both stray dogs found in Detroit.

They are being fostered by Kelly C. whom we recently assisted with Duke. As always, these very sweet dogs needed their first round of vaccines, heart worm test, and neuter/spay.

They are scheduled to have everything completed in September with our good friend at Comfort’s Place in Westland.

Anyone interested in adopting these beauties should contact Kelly at: [email protected]

diana Your donations SAVE LIVES. THANK YOU.

Cora with Streethearts Animal Rescue

8/13/24 – On August 8 I received the following from our friends at Streethearts Animal Rescue:

“Cora was recently rescued from a very dangerous situation. Cora was found way down on the rocks, below the bridge on Carpenter Rd near Stepping Stone falls (Flint, MI area). We do not know how she got down there but we know this is an area where dogs are dumped often. A very brave individual made his way down the very steep & wooded slope to get to Cora, gained her trust, picked her up & carried her all the way back up. Once she was on solid ground, she immediately rolled over for belly rubs! Cora is with one of our foster’s now & is the sweetest girl but is, of course, Heart worm positive. I have included the photo of her, looking down from the top of the bridge to down on the rocks & one of her once she got up on solid ground. – Linda”

Although funds are limited, we agreed to at least cover Cora’s pre-30-day treatment in hopes that our September 29 fundraiser will be a great success and we will then go on to cover Cora’s actual heart worm injections.

We continue to be so very thankful to the many amazing rescue organizations in our communities and we try to assist them whenever possible. – diana

Pickles Scavenging around a Dumpster at a local Rams Horn

8/5/24 – This very sweet boy was seen scavenging around a dumpster at a local Rams Horn. Fortunately, she got him into her car and later contacted us. This poor boy, Pickles, was so matted that he cringed when touched.

He was taken to our partner vet Groesbeck Animal Hospital where the amazing staff shaved him to comfort. I talked with the staff and they told him that he is the sweetest and that his skin was, fortunately, in great condition.

Any further medical needs will be taken care of by 4 Paws 1 Heart. There was not a microchip and an owner could not be found.

Tomorrow I will post his ‘after’ photo. – diana

Gina’s Foster Fluffy

8/3/2024 – I have been treating my sweet little foster dog, Fluffy, for a desmetoseal ulcer in his left eye and it was looking like it was almost healed.

Unfortunately, his eye ruptured on Thursday morning and Thank God I was able to get him right in for surgery to remove the eye. Huge thank you to Dr Hilton at Moore Veterinary Hospital!!! Fluffy was doing well with the every 2 hours meds around the clock, but the eye was just to fragile from the damage.

This week we will have to recheck his tear production in the better eye and possibly add in a new medication. Between his meds, lab work, surgery, food, basic necessities, and his follow up care it’s all adding up. If you are interested in donating towards Fluffy I have posted our link.

Thank you💗 Gina

Jethro Running Loose – A Village Comes Together

On July 6th my friend found this boy running loose. She held onto him for a week but couldn’t keep him. He was taken to the shelter and no one claimed him. His stray hold was up and he was testing positive for a tick born disease. I reached out to the shelter to offer 4 Paws 1 heart assistance with deeper testing to determine if the tick born disease was real or just showing positive because of exposure. Turns out Jethro was only exposed and didn’t require treatment for Lyme disease. Hound dogs are difficult to place. Plus he was an adult with no training and high prey drive. I reached out to a friend Paula Guilds who I knew had owned hounds in past. Her neighbor Lauri was willing to foster Jethro if a rescue could pull him. Then, I reached out to Jenn Day from Misfit Angels Rescue and she came through once again! Jethro was released into his new foster home on August 8th. This is an example of what can go into saving each animal. Multiple people with a caring heart starting with Stefanie Maihofer , then Chief Jeff Randazzo at Macomb County Animal Control , 4 Paws 1 Heart , Paula, Lori, Jenn, and her rescue. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! It’s taken me time to post his story. I will share his adoption link when I have it. This is what rescue is all about!!!! It is work but it’s worth it! Thank you Stefanie for your donation and here are a few pics of when he came home and now. Gina

This is “Fluffy”

7/25/2024 – This is “Fluffy”. He was diagnosed with a desmetoseal caused by an underlying congenital condition called “Dry Eye” which resulted in a severe deep eye ulcer that requires immediate attention and often times graft surgery or eye removal.

I am currently fostering Fluffy and treating both of his eyes with multiple medications every 2 hours around the clock. He is scheduled in 2 weeks for an eye removal, but I’m hoping for a MIRACLE in the meantime, so I will not be sleeping much during the next couple weeks..

Unfortunately, his better eye is also at risk because he is not producing enough tears. I am medicating that eye every 2 hours as well. The previous family could not handle the commitment it took to help get Fluffy through this unless there was a guarantee he could keep his eyes, so they made the difficult decision to surrender him in order to receive the long-term care he needed.

Fluffy doesn’t understand that and he is sad, lost, and confused. My husband and I are doing our best to comfort him and tend to his medical and emotional needs. Please keep Fluffy in your prayers as we take one day at a time. 💜 I’d like to thank Dr. Burcham for allowing her sweet boy Bucky to donate blood which we made eye drops out of to help towards treating Fluffy during the first few days. Gina. Https://

George was pulled from Animal Control by Underdog Rescue Ranch in late March

7/25/24 – Somehow I missed this but this is George. He was pulled from the Genesee County Animal Control by Underdog Rescue Ranch in late March. At the time, the rescue did not realize that the animals are not vetted. The rescue asked for our help.

George was only 20lbs and between 1 and 2 years old. He was in a foster to adopt home and we were happy to take care of his heart worm test, vaccines, and neuter at West Flint Animal Hospital. – diana

Duke Was Surrendered

7/23/24 – Duke was surrendered when the wife and baby had to leave their home due to domestic abuse. As often is the case, there is fear that a pet left behind will be further abused in retaliation. Unfortunately, shelters for domestic abuse cases can rarely take in the family pets. Duke is about 7 months old and we will be taking care of his vaccines, testing, and neuter. Our friends who took him in will be sure to find him a furever home. – diana