Walter – Gets His Chest X-Rays to Determine Severity of Heart Worm

5/27/21 – Walter Update♡
This very handsome sweet boy was in the other day for chest x rays so the doctor can stage his hear worm disease. His rescuer has been providing him a loving and safe home filled with positivity and TLC. Walter was found as a stray several weeks ago. He tested positive for Heart Walter 5:27:21worm and he has severe arthritis. 4 paws 1 heart has offered to cover his medical and he will need hip, knee, and spinal x rays at his next visit. This little boy loves to wag his nub whenever he sees people. If you would like to help donate towards his care we would really appreciate it. ♡ I’m pretty sure he is smiling here. Gina.

Walter – Rescued From the Streets; Heart Worm Positive

5/6/21 – Meet Walter. He was rescued from the streets two weeks ago and brought to the vet where Gina is a Licensed Veterinary Technician. We paid for his vaccines and, unfortunately, he tested positive for heart worm. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be funding his heart worm treatment which will begin immediately with x rays to determine the extent. Then 30 days of medicine before his final injections. His rescuer will be caring for Walter during his treatment but is not planning to keep him. So anyone interested in adopting him once he is healthy, should contact Gina at: [email protected] – diana
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogerswalter w:gina 5:6:21

Max and Blue – Crated 24/7; May Have Been Used in Dog Fighting

4/29/21 – This is Blue and Max. They were two of three dogs surrendered to Streethearts Animal Rescue who predominantly rescue in Flint which is notorious for dog fighting and dumped dogs when they are no longer of use. The third dog Macie was in such bad physical shape, she had to be euthanized and the conditions were reported to the local authorities. With Max and Blue, they were also very emaciated and bloated with worms. Neighbors said that the dogs had been crated 24/7. The dogs were taken into a ‘walk-in’ 24–hour veterinary. Tests were conducted and the doctor said the dogs would be kept until results were in but shortly thereafter, the rescue was called to pick up Max and Blue. It was a nightmare for the rescue who kept the dogs in quarantine but couldn’t find a vet to provide advice or care. Finally, almost a month later, a sample was sent to Michigan State University who verified that the dogs did NOT have distemper.
4 Paws 1 Heart paid for Max’s neuter, vaccines, and standard medical testing. Unfortunately, Blue was found to be positive for heart worm so once we were all assured that Blue did not have distemper, he was scheduled for his heart worm treatments and that was done April 23. We covered that for Blue along with his standard medical needs. The condition of both dogs were also reported to the local authorities but, unfortunately, there has been no follow-up with the rescue.
I wish I could say these cases were unusual but they are not. Because of the generosity of so many supporters over the past 10 years we have been able to help these abused orphans when needed. Since August, 2010 we have paid $1,071,222 in medical treatment; very honestly, I continue to be amazed and humbled. So, again, thank you so very much for your donations. And, if you are able to make a donation, you can be assured that every penny of that donation goes to the treatment of the abandoned and abused. – diana
“if you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.” – Mark Twainmax 4:21:21 blue 4:23:21

Satin – RIP – She Found Her Rescuer But Would Only Live a Short While Longer

4/22/21 – RIP Satin. It was January when she followed her rescuer into a party store, knowing she needed help. She appeared to have been overbred and dumped once she was no longer of use. She had two, softball size ‘lumps’ in two of her nipples. Satin was treated by one of our veterinary partners and the tumors were removed but unfortunately they recently came back. Satin appeared to be in pain and her rescuer decided it was time to let her peacefully cross the rainbow bridge. After being used and abused for years, Satin did enjoy a few months of love and care. – diana
Without your donations, we could not help the innocent souls walking the streets alone.satin---2:11:21

Charlie – A Memorial from the Woman Who Saved Him

charlie from laura of mutts charlie 2021 from laura mutts charlie 2011 from mutts of motownHere is Laura’s memorial to the boy she took such good care of and loved. – diana

Mutts Of Motown

For many years, we had a dog named Charlie who we called Chuckie sometimes. I feel that now his whole story should be told. He came to rescue after being used for bait (I’ll spare you the photos). Not to us but another rescue. He received blood transfusions from another rescue dog who was his angel. He got adopted to a man and lived with him and another male dog. All his shots were kept up to date. One day, the landlord entered Charlie’s home unannounced and illegally. Charlie protected his home, as many dogs would. Animal control was called. The landlord should have been charged with illegal entry and trespassing but he wasn’t. Charlie was not given the option to do the bite hold at home (which is the norm) but instead he was dragged out on a control stick and taken to the county shelter. There he was kenneled between two large intact males. I know that because I saw them. I found out that he had no out time and I believe he was in his kennel while they cleaned it because they had labeled him aggressive because he protected his home and his owner. When the bite hold was up, there was a fee to get him out, and by then his owner was living in his van with his other dog due to the landlord illegally evicting him. Since he couldn’t take care of Charlie anymore, the return contract would hold that rescue responsible to go get him, and usually shelters work with rescue on fees which would have been great…..except…..they left him there. And there he sat. For almost a month. Those bitches just left him there. Of course an evaluation in there would do nothing since the people who work there all look the same as the idiot that drug him out of his home.
Some friends who supported us back then had paid for his vet bills the first time he was rescued and asked us to give him a chance and we did. Sadly the system caused him more issues than being a bait dog did. He was online as experienced handler only, and privacy fence required but he never trusted men after I went and got him out of that kennel.
I have some bad news. Our Charlie started limping a few months ago. Because our vet had closed, we took him to a new place (still looking for a decent vet) and we got an exray and while we were there he got pretty aggressive. Luckily I was holding him and he was muzzled. They said he had bone cancer in his back leg. I knew from experience that we could amputate but the cancer would return in a few months to a year so I decided to show him a good time. A few days ago, the heavy pain meds I was giving him pretty much stopped helping and I made some calls but this drive through vet service wasn’t right for him or me. I was able to get a very expensive house call vet who came pretty far to put him down in the backyard. I’d tranquilized him before he got there and he’s gone now. It makes me sad what happened to him from animal control taking him out of his home, to the unnecessary situation at the shelter, to the other rescue leaving him there, etc. Because of all of that, I buried him in the backyard where he always knew he was safe. He was the fiercest protector and although he had issues (that he came by honestly) he was a good boy and a lot of fun. I suppose since all our remaining dogs are older and have issues, this will continue but that is one reason I wanted to stop intake a few years back. We’re really going to miss him.
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Charlie – RIP – 10 Years Later

4/14/21 – RIP Sweet Charlie – It was April, 2011 when Charlie first came into our lives at only 8 months old. He was found on a porch in a nearby City, obviously used as a bait dog and then discarded when he was no longer of use. He had severe infections all over his body and joints, bed sores, internal bleeding, and bronchitis. He was brought into the emergency where Gina worked at the time and after 4 1/2 hours of surgery and getting a transfusion from Gina’s, Angel, Charlie recovered and he was taken in by a rescue who offered to take him in. Charlie was adopted out and we all thought his life would change for the better but unfortunately, although he may have been loved for a short while, the adopted home turned out to be not the best. As described in the Mutts of Motown post I’ve shared, Charlie couldn’t catch a break. But I had no idea all of what went on until I read a post from the rescue advising that Charlie was to be euthanized at the shelter. I immediately contacted the rescue as I felt they were obligated to save Charlie but the rescue refused and that was the last time we ever had anything to do with that rescue. Then began the days of calling on everyone I knew (and that wasn’t much in those early days) in my attempt to save Charlie. Finally, it was Laura of Mutts of Motown who stepped up and together with her, the shelter Chief, and a few other friends who got Charlie out of death row and the horrible, frightening environment he had been experiencing. We can’t thank Laura enough for giving Charlie the love and respect he so much deserved. – diana
“Dogs leave pawprints on our hearts” – Unknowncharlie4:15:11 charlie4:15:11(1) charlieafterrescue6:5:13

Leptospirosis – Deadly

4/12/21 – Important information from Gina regarding Leptospirosis. – diana
Warning to all pet owners..
A local veterinary hospital has recently seen multiple cases of Leptospirosis which has prompted me to make this post. Bruno and Enzo are of those few and both dogs are receiving medical care.
All 3 positive dogs were vaccinated for Leptospirosis and still contracted the disease, but without the vaccine chances are their prognosis could have been much worse. If dogs are overdue for their annual vaccine they should be boostered for protection.
Leptospirosis is a disease that is caused by a bacteria shed in the urine of rodents and wildlife. It can also be spread to humans. In Michigan, reported cases are increasing every year in Macomb, Wayne, and Oakland Counties.
The route of transmission is commonly from a dog coming into contact with the bacteria after drinking from outdoor water bowls, puddles, pool water, eating grass, having open cuts/sores, etc. Rats tend to be more populated in areas where there is dog feces, so it is important to always keep your yard clean.
Please talk to your veterinarian about protecting your pet and read up on the symptoms and signs associated with this very serious, time sensitive, disease.
According to Oakland Veterinary Referral Services and Emergency Hospital, about 75 % of cases are seen in unvaccinated puppies. Treatment and diagnostics can cost an average of $2,000 to over $6,000 for a sick dog.
I am posting a couple resources below.


Lewis – Just a Puppy and Recently Adopted But Escaped

4/5/21 – After a beautiful Easter Sunday, I thought I would start your week with an uplifting story. This is Lewis. A young puppy recently adopted by a very kind family.
Last week, our good friend and animal whisperer, Debra Berolatti, was returning from helping an elderly woman who had reached out to us for assistance in trapping and medical. She was driving by the Selfridge Air National Guard base and a nearby junkyard where she has seen and helped cats congregating there. As she was driving she saw what she thought was a large black cat, near a ditch, trying to get under the barb-wired fence. She put her flashers on and stopped and found the animal was actually a puppy. Traffic was stopped, Debra got a leash out of her car, and cautiously approached the beautiful puppy wearing a bandana, a collar, and tags. The puppy smelled of sewage but he rolled over on his back and Debra picked him up and put him in her car. She brought him to one of our partner veterinary hospitals, Patterson Veterinary Hospital. The staff found a microchip which enabled Lewis to be reunited with his tearful owner. The owner said she had been frantically looking for Lewis who had obviously snuck out during a delivery at a shop she worked at. The mom tried insisting that Debra take a reward for finding their new baby but Debra insisted a donation be made to 4 Paws 1 Heart so that others who have no loving owners could be saved. And that is what the mom did. She sent a beautiful letter and a very generous donation. – diana
“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face” – Bernard Williamslewis 4:5:21 lewis thank you 4:5:21

Moonpie – Found at an Abandoned Automotive Plant; Has Heart Worm

4/1/21 – This is Moonpie who is just starting treatment for heart worm. Here is his backstory:
On February 26, 2021, Jayne, from Michigan Animal Crew received a call from a person who does outreach on the east side of Detroit and the Packard Plant. While she was filling the feeding stations, Moonpie slowly walked up to her, nearly collapsing. Moonpie was placed in a crate in the woman’s car and she just laid there. She was very lethargic and had a running nose and eyes. The person doing outreach contacted Jayne in hopes of getting him placement. Jayne took him in and suspected pneumonia. Moonpie was placed immediately with a foster and provided benadryl, a humidifier, and a warm bedded kennel. The foster kept a close eye on Moonpie . She was taken to an emergency hospital and diagnosed as having pneumonia and was also found to be heart worm positive. Moonpie had xrays, blood work, and was given 5 medications to take and was sent home. Moonpie was also diagnosed with a severe ear infection and paw infection. Fortunately, her prognosis is full recovery if all treatment is timely received. 4 Paws 1 Heart is covering Moonpie’s injections which began yesterday. – diana
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Anatole Francemoonpie 3:14:21 moonpie w:jayne

Kira – Adopted

3/30/21 – Another Happy Update. Kira’s owner had died and the family scheduled her to be euthanized. When the granddaughter found out she contacted a rescue who agreed to take her in. The rescue found that Kira had a tumor, needed teeth cleaning, and a general well check. They contacted us to help. Well, Kira had her surgery (see previous postings) and although it was a little tough going but she recovered. And now she has been adopted. Look at the difference between the now and earlier photos when she was first rescued. We Wish Kira many happy years with her new family. – diana
Your donations make a difference!kira 3:31:21 kira 3:30:21