She was good but shortly after the last round of antibiotics the discharge came back and the nasal sounds never ceased. We rechecked her to see if she was negative for the Mycoplasma and the Proteus Mirabilis which she was, but her swabs came back as positive for Staphylococcus pseudintermedius which is another bacterial infection. This bacteria is resistant to several antibiotics. She has an appointment with the internal medicine specialist at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services on Monday the 26th. We have done everything possible and we will keep trying, but we really need help. She is eating and maintaining her weight, so now we just wait until her appointment. In the past 11 weeks 4 paws 1 heart has spent over $1000.00 on her tests and we could use any donations out there. I will post again once I know more. This has been an emotional roller-coaster and I just want to get her better. Donations can be made out to 4 paws 1 heart, PO box 84, Saint Clair Shores, MI, 48080 or on our website there is a pay pal and please notate your donation is for Muffins. Thank you. – Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


9/15/22 – Rose had been bounced around from the streets to different homes and was finally taken in by a former volunteer with Streethearts Rescue. Rose’s ‘angel’ contacted her friends and they agreed to help her find a permanent home while she fostered Rose but they all need assistance with the surgery. Basically, entropion is when the eyelashes grow inward toward the eye itself; it is painful and if left untreated, it will result in blindness. 4 Paws 1 Heart covered the entropion surgery and our friend, Bill Heatley with Streethearts covered the laser treatment. Now on to finding that permanent home. If you are interested in giving this beauty a loving home, please contact Streethearts Rescue. – diana.

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” – Roger Caras P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


9/14/22 – Amber was rescued by a wonderful couple who are both on disability but couldn’t turn their backs. The wife recently had a leg amputated and it’s understandable as to why they weren’t in a position to do what it takes today to provide medical rescue to an animal in need. This little baby had a botfly, which is painful and can result in serious damage if not removed medically. Once again, our great doctors at Orion Animal Hospital took care of little Amber and she is doing great. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


9/14/22 – These beautiful cats were rescued from a mobile home park, and like so many, it is inundated with roaming cats. All four appear to be domesticated which tells us that they were either left behind by a resident, escaped, or dumped. The finder, Carolyn, will be trying to find homes for them and if you are interested, please contact her at: [email protected] All of them will be taken to a vet on Thursday to be tested, vaccinated, and spayed/neutered. Don’t forget that 100% of your donations go directly to the medical treatment and care of every animal we assist. And, without you, these life changers could not happen. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

“Cats and Music are the two ways of refuge from the miseries of life” – Albert Schweitzer


9/13/22 – On 8/24/22 I received the following e mail:

“I’m not sure if you guys consider donating to dogs in foster. But I’m reaching out to anyone I can think of who might possibly help with my current foster dog. I foster for Detroit Animal Care and Control. I just brought 11 week old Maggie Simpson home on Saturday, she is my 47th foster. By Sunday morning she was beginning to show signs of something not being right. As she continued to decline I knew something wasn’t right. I reached out to some friends in rescue who could possibly get me into a vet. Lauren Shell Fowler from Peace Love and Paws was able to get me in at Orion Oaks Animal Hospital (1-248-693-1025), where Maggie was diagnosed and is being treated for parvo. If I returned her to DACC they would have euthanized her. So now I’m doing my best to raise some funds to try and give Maggie at least a shot at recovery. She’s been receiving care for just over 24 hrs now and the bill is already $900. If you have any way to help out or even could share her fundraiser, or steer me in the direction of someone who might be able to help…anything would be appreciated to get the word out. Thank you for even reading this, with all my gratitude…Kellie”

Because of outstanding commitments at the time, we could not commit to the full amount needed at that time but we did help with some of the hospitalization and told Kellie, to let us know how the fundraising went just in case we could help further. Today I contacted Kellie to find our how Maggie was doing. And, I’m thrilled to report that beautiful Maggie is doing great and the only issue now is for the foster family to decide whether they want to be foster or help her to be adopted. The bottom line is they want to do what is best. Here is Maggie before and After. – diana.

“Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them and filling the emptiness we didn’t ever know we had.” – Thom Jones P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

I can’t thank you enough, she is thriving and is a healthy, happy puppy now. Here is a picture of the day I had to rush her to Orion Oaks, I really didn’t think she was going to make it. I had her wrapped in a blanket, praying I would get there in time. – Kellie

And here she is today, loving life and patiently waiting for me to throw the next tennis ball. She’s such a fun pup. – Kellie


9/12/22 – The Overpopulation of Cats and Kittens Have Been Like No Other Time – As much as I try I try to report on the many cases we are constantly helping, the number is greater than I have days in the week. At this time we are helping with a hoarding situation, a golf course overrun with cats, a mobile home park inundated, and many groups of 3-6 cats/kittens found at a time. Many of these cats have been dumped on these properties, or good hearted people take them in but find they don’t have the resources to keep them from reproducing.

Here are some of the handsome orphans who we’ve been assisting to get tested, vaccinated, and spayed/neutered. Thank you to all of you who continue to donate to our organization and help all of us in our mission. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


9/12/22 UPDATE – Unfortunately Stanley’s condition was much worse than anticipated and the doctor and finder decided to allow Stanley to cross the Rainbow Bridge.

9/9/22 – Meet Stanley. He was found in a factory parking lot and fortunately his finders are willing to give him a loving home to live out the rest of his life but they needed assistance for medical and for getting him to a veterinary clinic. Stanley was very emaciated and dehydrated. Their neighbor took Stanley into All About Animals to get him fluids and then contacted us.

He is estimated to be about 12-15 years old, appears deaf and sight impaired. He also has many missing teeth and is front declawed and seemed to be in pain. He will be going to one of our favorite veterinary hospitals, Patterson Veterinary in Clinton Twp., and he will have a loving home in his future. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


9/8/22 – Meet Luna and Onyx. Onyx showed up with who the finder thinks is a sibling, Luna. Both were very thin but very sweet. Onyx, though, was only walking on 3 legs. We were contacted and because both were in traps we were able to authorize them to be seen at All About Animals. Please understand, that getting into standard veterinary hospitals continues to be a challenge. Anyway, Onyx was found to have a severely abscessed wound on his leg and the doctor said that another week without medical attention would have resulted in amputation. Onyx was given medication and was vaccinated and neutered and he is doing well in his finder’s home. His sibling, Luna, had already been spayed but she was vaccinated and is also doing well although she recently was spotted hiding in the basement rafters. Every day I’m amazed and thankful for the many kind-hearted people who go so much out of their way to help these babies who are so very often abandoned or born on the streets. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


This was Onyx how we found him before 4 paws 1 heart stepped in. Thank you to this great organization! – Colleen


9/7/22 – On August 22 I received the following request:

“I have a kitten (Kai) that was abandoned at the “Anti-Cruelty Society” in Detroit. It was found in a carrier, soaking wet and terrified. It was picked up right before the storm hit last night (Sunday). I would say it’s estimated to be about 4-5 weeks old but super tiny! It eats/drinks and goes to the bathroom (both #1 and 2) but one eye was pretty bad when I got it! I did a warm compress and put some cream on, it’s looking much better but a bit swollen still and of course, leaking yellowish/green goo. I’m assuming it has an URI and/or eye infection! I gave it a bath (it smelled awful and was covered in fleas). I have it separated in my spare bathroom for the time being but would love for him/her to be seen by a vet and get proper care! (Finder said it was a girl but I’m having trouble identifying as of now). If you have the funds/resources at the moment, please get in touch with me as soon as possible. Thank you for all you do for these precious babies. – Angela”

In further discussion with Angela she said that Kai was definitely in really bad shape at first but has been doing much better although his eye needed attention. And, he wakes her every couple of hours for food.

Thankfully, we have a good friend, Deborah, who owns Comfort’s Place in Westland. She contacted Angela and arrangements were made for the doctor to examine and start treatment three days later. Fortunately, the doctor felt the infection could be treated and eye removal was unnecessary. While Kai (and he is a boy) was under treatment for the upper respiratory infection, he vomited a 3″ tapeworm (sorry for the visual in your mind). Again, Deborah stepped up to help and Kai is now on his way to a full recovery and will be vaccinated and spayed/neutered, and tested when he is healthy.

I go to sleep at night wondering what would happen to these orphans if not for the Village of caring people. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

He was around 11 ounces (all skin and bones) when he was found! This is him this morning.. he is 1 pound 3 ounces (as of yesterday at his appointment) He is doing great!! Thank you 4Paws1Heart for stepping up and helping my sweet foster, Kai! Without the help of the original finder, myself, and this awesome organization I truly believe this poor baby wouldn’t have made it! Social media definitely has its perks!! – Angela

My Cooper was a rescue being fostered but he was being sponsored financially by 4 paws. He’s a wonderful beautiful boy. Thank you so much for all you do for all these fur babies in need. Meet Cooper. – Jan

You helped us with our stray FIV kitty, Max. We decided to try to keep him and he’s co-living with our non FIV cats.  4 hearts is amazing! This little guy is so cute! – Jennifer


9/6/22 – Prayers for Bando. He was found just a couple of days ago by a very caring couple. He is only about 3 weeks old and he appeared to be very sick. The couple took him to the first hospital they could get into and the vet advised that both of his eyes needed to be removed. He was given antibiotics and the couple contacted us. We have authorized Bando to see one of our favorite doctors at Orion Animal Hospital and we will take care of whatever is needed. These amazing good Samaritans have decided to keep him because they know a shelter would have euthanized him because of his condition. Please keep Bando in your thoughts and prayers and I will report on him when we get more information. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080