8/26/22 – Meet Betty White. No, not the animal loving actress but a beautiful Silver Persian rescued from a very neglectful situation. She was kept locked up in laundry room because she was urinating “all over the house”. Betty is approximately 9 years old and was heavily matted with an upper respiratory infection and severe dental disease. Her rescuer was able to shave her and remove the matting that started at the top of her back all the way down to her back leg. She is very sweet and just wants to be included in any way she can. Her rescuer works from home so she has a cat bed on her desk where Betty White likes to just keep her company and lay around. She has already made friends with the rescuer’s 96 lb. Old English Sheep Dog and if it continues to work out, the rescue family wants to give her a furever home.

Unfortunately, the rescuer cannot afford the significant dental work which needs to be done and we were contacted for help. I’ve mentioned this earlier, but the past couple of months have been like no other in our 12 years. The medical costs far outweigh the donations, so anything you can do to help will make the difference in the lives of those who have no one else. Thank you! – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Muffin update..This is not something that I wanted to post and until now I’ve avoided showing any pics of the discharge from her nose. Unfortunately, despite one week into the 4th antibiotic in 7 weeks straight, I woke up this morning to her nose looking like this. The breathing sounds in her sinuses and the yellow sticky nasal discharge have been constant since the day she was brought to me on July 5th. There have been some better days here and there, but nothing has eradicated whatever is causing this. With each new antibiotic and each new test result I’ve felt hopeful, relieved, and positive we were going to get her better. Most of the time and especially today I feel helpless, frustrated, exhausted, and sad seeing her go through this.

We have done bloodwork, viral testing, PCR test, nasal flush, cultures, eye meds, ear meds, nasal drops, x rays, nebulizing, etc etc.

She has gained weight, she is eating good, she’s playful and so so so very sweet.

I won’t post anymore graphic pics, but I wanted people to understand why your support is so needed and always appreciated.

I ask that everyone who has been following her story to please keep her in your prayers.

The next step is probably going to a specialist for more invasive diagnostics like endoscopy, CT, MRI. I’m not sure.. -Gina

Please help us by donating at:

P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Update regarding the recent spate of dog deaths. – diana  P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

An update today from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural development confirms that the virus causing the illness in our area is indeed parvo virus despite the negative tests performed at the initial shelters and hospitals. This is more confirmation that our adult, healthy, and fully vaccinated dogs (dogs who have been vaccinated for DHPP) should have good immunity. Puppies less than 6 months of age and dogs who are not currently immunized will be the highest at risk. This is a good reminder to keep all our dogs vaccinated and protected. Remember that MANY dogs are treated all throughout the year with vomiting and diarrhea illnesses, and the bulk majority of these will NOT be parvo virus. Parvo will cause more severe vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. Please always remember to contact us if your pet seems sick. – Orion Animal Hospital


8/24/22 – Daisy was brought into Advanced Animal Emergency when he was found with a gun shot wound to his paw. We were contacted by the hospital to see if we could help. Daisy’s paw was successfully treated and she was very lucky to be in the right place at the right time. While in the hospital, a woman was there with her own animal and she was asked if she would like to adopt Daisy, she said she couldn’t but knew someone who would — her mom and dad. Daisy is very sweet and getting lots of love. She will be getting spayed and vaccinated and will be on her way to a wonderful life. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/23/22 – Wilder Update. You might remember that Wilder is a friendly feline who showed up in a cat colony we were assisting along with the help of Debbie, owner of Comfort’s Place. Wilder tested positive for the deadly disease, Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). He just recently started an experimental drug which has proven to be very successful (in our experience) but until it is approved by the FDA, it continues to be very expensive to utilize. Here is an update from Wilder’s rescuer and foster mom:

“Wilder has now made it into his second week (today is day 11) of his GS treatment for his ocular/neurological FIP. His first week was full of ups and downs, one day he seemed to do a little better and the next he seemed worse again. After this last weekend, I can definitely say he seems a tad better. Friday’s are our weigh in day since that is the day of the week that we first started his treatment. He weighed in at 5.4 lbs–a 1 lb gain for Wilder as he was 4.4 lbs at diagnosis. Yay! His gait seems to be a bit better and he isn’t shaking constantly like he was. You can still tell he is a bit off when he tries to walk or run, and his third eyelid in the left eye is still showing on and off in that one eye. I am also happy to report that his appetite has returned! We are coming down to the almost halfway point with his tablets, so I will keep in touch with Deb. So far, we have raised only $230 ($225.92 after fees) toward his medication. We are planning a bake sale for the week of the 29th to hopefully get more toward the remaining medication he needs. Geez, it is absolutely brutal raising any funds for anything right now. We won’t give up! Thank you for all of your help with this sweet boy, we greatly appreciate it. – Jessica”

Dear Friends, your donations do make a difference. Not only in saving one life, but as a village, we are committed to using every resource possible to make a difference in the lives of the animals we love and who give us unconditional love. We pray there will be a time when the scientists have the time to review and approve these drugs so that it can reduce the cost and make them more available for use by the average family and rescuer. Thank you in advance for any help you can give. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

He was about 12 weeks of treatment and was examined and the FIP was confirmed with one of our doctors. The pills are between $70 and $90 each and the dose is based on weight and changes as the cat hopefully starts recovering. The total cost can be between $1,500 to $2,000. But every case taken on can be further proof of its efficacy. There are advocates trying to get this approved for standard treatment. – diana.


Sharing information about a possible, new deadly virus.

We are getting questions from our clients about this illness that has been seen in Northern Michigan, and now is being reported on social media here in Macomb County. We don’t know much but here is a link to an article from Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine Diagnostic Lab. It appears to be a viral vomiting and diarrhea illness similar to parvo virus in younger and mostly unvaccinated dogs. For now I would consider keeping my pets away from areas where lots of dogs congregate like dog parks and even daycare. If we learn more legitimate information I will share it here. – Orion Animal Hospital…/parvo-like-illness-reported-in… P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/22/22 – On August 18, 2022 we posted about Lady and asked for prayers for her pending surgery which was August 19. Lady was found by a very caring Detroit EMS worker who found Lady rummaging through the garbage. In the past week, Lady started showing signs of distress and was losing weight. Lady was taken to a veterinary clinic where an obstruction in her stomach was found. Although we tried to get Lady into a clinic the same day the original vet would perform the surgery, we weren’t able to get her in until the following day. The appointment was made with our amazing doctors at Orion Animal Hospital (which anyone who has tried to get a pet into a clinic over the past two years would agree, was amazing). And, very sincerely, this says everything about Dr. Zalac and her staff who are always placing an animal in need above all else.

On Friday morning I received a personal message from Dr. Zalac:

“Lady was 22 lb. and should weigh at least 40 lb. The previous vet didn’t send the x rays so I did my own and confirmed foreign material within her intestine. We explored and found multiple foreign objects from the stomach to the small intestine with a string connecting them all together. This is called a linear foreign body. Along the line of the string there were numerous bowel ruptures with leaking intestinal contents (i.e. bacteria) into the abdomen. One area of rupture was particularly challenging as it was a deep rupture between the stomach, small intestine and pancreas. I made the difficult decision to contact the rescuer and recommend euthanasia as her prognosis was guarded to poor. As the rescuer was considering this decision, Lady started having even more trouble with blood pressure and anesthesia, so I called again and told her there was really nothing to be done. We let her go while she was anesthetized.”

Chelsea, Lady’s rescuer, contacted me the following morning. She had been exhausted from crying over Lady and contacted me after receiving my e mail the next day advising we would cover Lady’s private cremation. I was thankfully able to contact Dr. Zalac at home on Saturday afternoon and asked if we could have Lady privately cremated. The vet office had been closed already and the doctor called the crematory who advised that Lady had not yet been cremated and they would be able to cremate her privately.

Lastly, through several contacts with Chelsea, Chelsea said: “Thank you for everything. I can’t say enough how grateful I am that you and your organization exist. If we weren’t able to get her into surgery to find out the problem I’m sure she would have passed in pain, although she never cried or showed complaint in anyway, I did notice in the short time I had her that if she hurt herself or I accidentally stepped on her foot she didn’t yelp or anything which I found odd but idk if a prior owner abused her if she made noise or that was just her own choice….Thank you so much!! She wouldn’t be coming home without you. I am forever grateful. I’m so glad she saw your message. I will feel a lot better I think having her ashes here. It has already been quite an adjustment as Lady was literally glued to my side no matter where I went for the last 2 months. I think I would just feel more at ease if she were at home.”

May you rest in peace sweet Lady. Just know that you were very loved in your final days in this life. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/19/22 – As we mark our 12th year of making a difference in the lives of the homeless, I ask for your continued support. Without the generosity of our supporters, veterinary hospitals, and good samaritans, so many animals would be forced to die on the street — alone and prey for others.

You might remember Honey and Sweet Potato. They were trapped together in that Sweet Potato had been by the side of his buddy for weeks. Honey had a wound on his back and his eye appeared injured. After Honey was trapped his finder reported that Honey’s eye appeared to be missing. Honey was barely moving but he was still breathing and enjoyed being petted.

Honey and Sweet Potato were both seen by one of our partner vets and Sweet Potato was tested, vaccinated, and neutered and it turned out that he also had a wound on his back which was treated. Honey had to have his eye removed so his neuter was scheduled for the same time as the eye surgery. His wound was treated on his first visit.

Today everyone has been taken care of and are doing good. They both are looking for their furever home so if you have that purrfect family, please contact Melissa at: [email protected]

Here is a post surgery photo of Honey and photos when the boys were first trapped. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/18/22 – Happy 12th Anniversary to 4 Paws 1 Heart and those once orphans who are still enjoying their second chance at life because of our many donors, rescuers, and veterinary partners.

Today, I ask for your prayers and good vibes for Lady. Tomorrow she will be undergoing surgery for an obstruction which may have been in place since she was found rummaging in garbage for food. Yesterday, I received the following e mail requesting help:

“I found a sweet pit in my garbage rummaging for food about 2 months ago. She came right up to me and rolled over so I could pet her tummy. I was on my way to work at that time (I work 911 in Detroit), I opened the car door to see if she wanted to come with me and she hopped right in. My partner and I bathed her and got her food. She was slowly gaining weight and then about a week and a half ago she stopped eating then suddenly lost so much weight. I took her to vet and they did X-rays. She has a bowel obstruction.”

We worked through out yesterday to try and get her into one of our doctors and, thankfully, Dr. Zalac will be doing her surgery tomorrow. Lady has had a bowel movement so we know it isn’t a total obstruction and her rescuer has been in contact with the initial doctor who diagnosed her. Thank you for your support! – diana.

Lady and I say thank you! For all your thoughts and prayers. She is resting peacefully right now in the bed with me before her surgery tomorrow. This picture is from last night at work. She loves to inspect the ambulances to make sure they are ok! -Chelsea