Muffin update..This is not something that I wanted to post and until now I’ve avoided showing any pics of the discharge from her nose. Unfortunately, despite one week into the 4th antibiotic in 7 weeks straight, I woke up this morning to her nose looking like this. The breathing sounds in her sinuses and the yellow sticky nasal discharge have been constant since the day she was brought to me on July 5th. There have been some better days here and there, but nothing has eradicated whatever is causing this. With each new antibiotic and each new test result I’ve felt hopeful, relieved, and positive we were going to get her better. Most of the time and especially today I feel helpless, frustrated, exhausted, and sad seeing her go through this.
We have done bloodwork, viral testing, PCR test, nasal flush, cultures, eye meds, ear meds, nasal drops, x rays, nebulizing, etc etc.
She has gained weight, she is eating good, she’s playful and so so so very sweet.
I won’t post anymore graphic pics, but I wanted people to understand why your support is so needed and always appreciated.
I ask that everyone who has been following her story to please keep her in your prayers.
The next step is probably going to a specialist for more invasive diagnostics like endoscopy, CT, MRI. I’m not sure.. -Gina
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