ROSIE – Found Early in the Morning Running in the Rain

11/12/21 – Rosie was found at 3 a.m. running in the rain on a main street in Detroit. Her rescuer, an owner of a dog grooming business saw that she was limping and brought her to safety in her shop. She was seen by Dr. Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital and it determined that she would need surgery because of a break. Again, this is a costly undertaking but without our help Rosie would have no hope at a good quality of life. I spoke with Dr. Zalac and she will be doing the surgery on November 26, 2021. Hopefully, she can also be spayed at the same time. Rosie is on pain meds until she has surgery and is living comfortably with her rescuer.

BUTTONS – UPDATE – Tape Marks Around His Body and His Muzzle; His Leg is Fractured and He May Need Surgery

11/11/21 – I recently posted about Buttons who was found on the side of the expressway near the Detroit Zoo. There were tape marks around his body and his muzzle and a plastic bag was around his neck. He was malnourished and limping. Well, Buttons went to the vet and it was found that his leg was fractured and it is not setting properly. Consequently, he may need surgery. Here he is with his potential new sibling. Please help us help Buttons by donating. Without our supporters, abused animals like Buttons would not have a chance. – Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

RIPLEY – His Mother Was Killed by Another Animal

Meet Ripley was rescued over the Halloween weekend. The finder believes the mom was killed by another animal in the a week prior to finding the kitten, she had heard a “terrible noise” outside and after that heard crying and later discovered the kitten. It took 3 days for the kitten to trust the homeowner but she was finally able to catch her and get her safely into her home. The finder then contacted a friend who agreed to give Ripley a furever home but needed help in getting her tested, vaccinated and spayed.We were happy to take care of that for Ripley and she is now in a loving home with two other felines. – Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

ELMER – Spent His Life on a Tie-Out; Often Unable to Reach Food or Water

11/9/21 – Meet Elmer. He spent his life on a tie out along with a very aggressive female. The woman who lived in the house would feed them when she remembered. Elmer would often get tangled in the tie out and would be unable to reach water, food, or even lay down. A kind woman whom we’ve helped before saw what was going on and started to feed both dogs. One day the female got loose and attacked Elmer. The police were called but nothing was done and our 4p1h friend took Elmer. Elmer is going to one of our partner veterinary hospitals to be examined, neutered, vaccinated, and tested. Melissa, our rescue friend, will try to find a rescue for sweet Elmer. Anyone interested in helping Elmer find a forever home should contact: [email protected] – diana.DOUBLE YOUR DONATION during our REMEMBRANCE $5,000 MATCH! Your donations save


11/821 – In this season of ‘thanks’ we are so very thankful for the many supporters who donate money to help us fund medical treatment for the many stray, abandoned, and abused animals living on the streets. And, although our mission is to fund medical treatment for stray, abandoned, and abused animals living on the streets, we also welcome donations of food and supplies which we distribute to our rescue friends. Tinkerbell is one of the many recipients of such donations and we want to thank Pet Supplies Plus on Harper in St. Clair Shores for providing a drop box for donated goods. A very frightened Tinkerbell was rescued from the streets this past July. The rescuer found what she thought was a great adopter but later found out that poor Tinkerbell had been kept on a chain 24/7 and appeared to be pregnant; she also had a horrendous skin issue. Tinkerbell went back to her rescuer and we were again contacted to assist with her medical needs which now included an ultra sound to determine her pregnancy status. Tinkerbell had 9 babies; two died but the 7 have been flourishing and Tinkerbell has been a good mama. Unfortunately, she couldn’t be treated for her skin issue until recently. The bottom line to all of this is that like so many other orphan and abused animals on the streets, love, protection, and goodies are not something they know. But with the help of the 4 Paws 1 Heart Community these babies get a second chance at life and get to know love. The first 4 photos are of Tinkerbell enjoying her ‘sausage’ treat donated by one of the PSP customers. Tinkerbell also loves to be wrapped in a blanket and feels very secure sleeping in small container. The last three photos are of Tinkerbell when she was first rescued, after she was returned, and one of her babies.

BUTTONS – Rescued from the Side of a Freeway; Limping and Malnourished

11/4/21 – Meet Buttons. On November 2 I was contacted by a very kind couple who had stopped and grabbed this puppy from the expressway near the Detroit zoo. She had fleas and an injured leg (limping). She was also very malnourished. She was scanned for a microchip but none was found and there was no other identification although based on her condition, it appeared she was purposely dumped in hopes she would die or be killed. The rescuers reported that this very sweet puppy had gray tape marks all over her body that indicate all of her legs had been tied together. She also had tape on her muzzle. She had a plastic bag tied around her neck; the rescuers think she had been in a bag. She was terrified of humans, cowered, and wouldn’t come when called. The couple thinks she is only about 5 months old. In the few days she was with her rescuers she was treated for fleas and is now acting more like a puppy. She also loves to snuggle. Buttons’ rescuers think they have found the perfect home for her with neighbors who also have a senior pitty but first her medical needs, including her injured leg, need to be addressed. And, that is where we come in. Buttons will be seen by Dr. Zalac at Orion Animal Hospital and we will go from there. 100% of all donations are spent directly on medical bills for the abandoned and abused — just like Buttons. – diana


11/4/21 – Bob’s total medical bill for two visits was $730 and that includes the generosity of the veterinary hospital. Of course, we also took care of Bob’s medical bills when he was first rescued. Bob’s very close buddy, Simon, shown here is unable to use his back legs and we were unsuccessful in finding a resolution during his several trips to a veterinary hospital as well as Dr. Kern’s Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation and Therapy hospital. (You can find out about Simon’s horrible treatment before he was rescued on our website). And these are just a couple of the reasons why we ask for the financial support of our many fellow animal advocates. Our dear friend, Lynn.4 paws 1 heart recently helped Bob (gray) an adult cat that was in desperate need of an overall check up and a dental. In addition to his irritable bowel disease and his asthma, his teeth were causing him a great deal of pain and chronic infection. Dr Burcham took very good care of him and Dr Henry made sure all of his rotten teeth were extracted. As you can see, Bob is feeling better now as he snuggles with his foster-mate. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


11/3/21 – Remembering those pets, strays, and animal advocates who have crossed that Rainbow Bridge. Xena, was an outside neighborhood stray who was known to have several litters. Shortly after having one litter, she got pregnant again and had a litter of 8 kittens. A caring person, whose home Xena appeared to adopt, took in Xena and the babies. One baby needed to be bottle fed but the others seem to be ok. Two days before giving birth, Xena was seen limping and the caretakers thought her paw was broken. Poor little Xena was really struggling with her large litter and looked dejected and ready to give up hope. To make a long story short, the wonderful rescue couple took Xena into a hospital because she was just getting worse. It turned out that Xena had a severe infection with a high fever; her paw was not broken. During the course of two weeks, two of her babies ended up dying and one kitten went to a friend for bottle feeding. The family was again seen by a vet who suggested that two of the five kittens (Stubby and Tiger) be checked for potential neurological issues. Finally, we were able to get the entire family to Dr. Z from Orion Animal Hospital. Stubby and Tiger had blood work done and were to return for more blood work to determine if their issue (wobbly and head shaking) was caused by toxoplasmosis. Thankfully, mom tested negative for FIV/Felv. The bottom line is that Stubby and Tiger may be special needs kitties. 4 paws 1 heart will continue to cover the next couple of medical visits as well as Xena’s spay and vaccines.As of yesterday, the rescue family will be keeping one kitten, two more are already lined up for furever homes, and Stubby and Tiger will stay with the rescuer for another couple of weeks to determine if they will develop more. Xena will be spayed next week and returned to the outside in that Xena is chomping to be released. The family will continue to care for Xena.Here are photos when the babies were days old and some current ones. Again, with the financial help of our supporters, these orphans are able to get the help they need. Without the rescuers and 4 paws 1 heart, Xena would have continued to have babies and eventually all would suffer and die on the streets. Thank YOU to our supporters, our vets, and our rescuers! – Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080+82,946People reached462EngagementsBoost post


11/3/21 – On 10/26/21 I posted about Onyx; a very sweet cat finally brought in by a rescuer who noticed an issue with the cat’s tail. Onyx saw one of our partner vets who determined that Onyx required immediate surgery to avoid dying from infection. Onyx’s tail was amputated and the growth on the face was a cyst which also was removed. Onyx is in his new home with his rescuer and his new family has fallen in love with him.

LIL MONSTER – Rescued When She Was Pregnant and Very Sick

11/3/21 – Spoke to the hospital yesterday and Lil Monster’s eye removal was successful yesterday and she was also spayed. She is now home with her rescuer.

11/1/21 – Please say a prayer for Lil Monster. She is finally strong enough to have surgery today. She was rescued this past summer when she was pregnant. She was very sick and spent days in the hospital receiving transfusions. She eventually had 4 kittens but one died. The foster, Meghan, contacted us when the rescue group was in critical shape financially because after taking care of her hospital stay, Lil Monster still would require an eye removal and spay. We agreed to cover the surgery and it is finally being done today with one of our favorite veterinarians. Lil Monster is with Happy Dogs and Cats Rescue. Meghan’s e mail is [email protected] if anyone is interested in adoption. –