11/19/21- Two weeks ago we were contacted in regards to this very deserving kitty who a couple wanted to help before another icy winter came in. Fletcher meowed his way into the hearts of this kind couple and here is what they wrote:”On a cold, blustery March morning in 2021, we noticed a gray tiger cat eating the bird bread and seed left for our neighborhood birds and squirrels. We named him Fletcher. He came to eat twice a day living in our bushes. Fletcher was a war torn, bloody and battle scared Tomcat often from fights. He was a scrappy, skinny tomcat whose ribs and back bone showed through his rough coat. He would hiss at us and only wanted food and not to come close to him when his food was put down on the ground. The first time he had catnip he rolled over belly up and bleary eyed for hours in the sun. My husband decided to build Fletcher a cat house to keep him warm, filled with old toweling. It took about six months to even get close to him while he ate. In September we spotted him sleeping on our porch chair cushion. He greets us with a soft bell-like meow and purrs. He started to give us full body rubs after that and allowed us to pet him. Fletcher has been sick with eye drainage and sneezing for a very longtime. He especially does the sneezing (Mucus +blood tinged) after eating. Now he is a a bit of a friendly pest on the porch wanting constant petting, brushing and attention. He loves treats and will take them from our fingers. He has come inside 3 times for a tour but wanted out again right away. Fletcher has put on weight and now has rounded out physique. We tried to get him veterinarian care at nearby offices, but they refuse to see feral animals. Our goal is to get him in for the winter and medical care. We are very grateful for 4 Paws-One Heart and Moore Vet Hospital’s willingness to care for him. We think he still may be younger as he doesn’t seem to know how to use the litter pan provided. Neighbors are amazed at the progress he has made adopting us….choosing to bless our house above all the other neighbors. Thanks so much for heartfelt concern for “our little guy.” -Shirley

Little Fletcher is doing well and there may is hope that some day he will choose to stay inside 24/7. My sincere thanks to all who have donated thus far. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

JASMINE (AKA JAZZY AND NOW DIXIE) – Has Her Spay Surgery and is in Her Furever Home

Before and After of my former foster puppy “Jazzy” which is now my fur Godchild “Dixie”, had her spay surgery this week. I’m so happy for her. She is in a wonderful home! Despite the many odds that were against her, she was a miracle and a fighter to have survived Parvo Virus. Of course, my Angel was right by her side once she was able to be off of fluids. Thank u to our supporters for allowing us to save one life at a time.. ♡ Gina

BEA – She was Rescued from a Drug House Only to Wind Up With an Abuser and Suffering with Entropion

11/18/21 – It’s been a little over 11 years that 4 Paws 1 Heart was started. You would think that after paying $1,163.406 in medical treatment for the abandoned and abused, there would be less orphans on the streets and less critical situations. But, unfortunately, the need keeps getting greater and that’s why I continue to report on the many cases we are involved in. Here is the first of two recent cases that 4 Paws 1 Heart will be covering and that I will be reporting on today.

This is Bea. Two days ago I received a call from one of our rescue friends about a dog who was being beaten by his ‘owner’. Our friend along with another rescue friend were going to be leaving immediately to try and get her. The story is that Bea had been ‘rescued’ from a drug house only to wind up in the hands of an abuser who regularly beat her and ignored her medical needs. Beautiful but sad Bea is an American Bulldog mix, approximately 70 lbs, and 1 about 1 1/2 years old. Even with what appears to be a lifetime of abuse she has a mild temperament and seems dog and people friendly. She is also house trained and friendly with chickens. When Bea was freed from her abuser, she was taken in to one of our partner vets who examined her and gave her needed vaccines. The doctor also determined that poor Bea had entropion of both eyes. We’ve taken care of many cases like this in the past. Entropion (eyelashes grow inward to the eyeball), if left untreated will cause blindness and during the process will cause much pain to the animal. Learning this, we immediately lined up an appointment with another partner vets who has done this type of surgery for us. Bea will be spayed, have the surgery on her eyes, and get her very long, painful nails trimmed. Currently she is decompressing in our friend’s home but a loving furever home/foster is very much needed. So if you or anyone you know needs some unconditional love, please contact Shelley at: [email protected]. Bea deserves a new life.

SAMMIE – Rescue from the Streets

We were recently contacted about this sweet girl now named Sammie who was found outside with her sibling. 4 paws 1 heart offered to cover an exam, vaccines, prevention, and spay surgery. Here she is giving snuggles to Tracey while waiting for results of her bloodwork. She is scheduled for Spay surgery the day before Thanksgiving. Thank you to her rescuer Pam, 4 paws 1 heart, and the staff at Moore Veterinary Hospital. It takes a village. ♡ Gina

LACEY, MIA, MAVERICK, LONDON, AND VIENNA – Never to Have (or make) Kittens Again

11/17/21 – But, for every little one lost, so many more are saved. Meet Lacey, Mia, Maverick, London, Vienna. They were born by a couple of different females who just couldn’t be trapped in time before they became pregnant. Over the past month we have taken care of their medical needs which varied between treatment for diarrhea, vaccines, tests, flea/parasites, and, of course, spay/neuter. Lilly and her friend are responsible for saving and rehoming 19 kittens/cats since they began rescuing. As I’ve said before, God Bless the rescuers, our amazing vets and their staffs, our donors, and those supporters who share our cases.

BRIN – Rest in Peace – Another Victim of PanLeuk

11/17/21- On October 24, 2021, I posted the following:10/24/21 – RIP Sweet Marnith. Her mom, barely a kitten herself and pregnant, was left in a carrier outside of a pet supply store. A rescuer took her in and the mom gave birth the very next day. The rescuer had no experience with new moms and babies and she called our friend, Patricia. Two weeks later, after one kitten passed away, another became very sick. Patricia advised her and the rescuer continued to struggle another two weeks before she realized that she just couldn’t properly care for the family. And, although Patricia has more than her share of kitties to care for, she stepped in and took the remaining babies hoping to make them healthy. Unfortunately, another passed away and Marnith also took ill. This is when 4 paws 1 heart was asked to help. But, unfortunately, it was too late. Marnith was tested for panleukopenia which is a very contagious viral disease most often attacking kittens. Typically it is deadly. There is one remaining kitten who tested negative and is being kept separate and being watched closely. Please remember this little family and Patricia (as well as the many rescuers to devote their lives to the stray and abused) in your prayers.” Well, I’m very sad to report that the last remaining kitten tested positive for panleukopenia and passed away. Rest In Peace sweet Brin. May you be in peace and find all of your siblings when you cross the Rainbow Bridge. – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

FANTASIA AND DOJA – Found in a Car Inside a Garage

I was contacted by a woman whose neighbor found these little ones in his car that he had in his garage and though he waited for mom she never showed up so he brought them to his cat-loving neighbor. We were happy to cover all of their medical needs which included testing and spay/neuter. Your donations ensure that these babies will not go on to have more babies!! – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

MAX – Found on the Street, FIV Positive and Entropion in One Eye

11/15/21 – Max was found on the streets with what was thought to be a severe upper respiratory infection. After seeing the doctor, it was determined that he was positive for FIV, needed to be neutered, and actually had entropion (a condition where the eyelashes grow inward and touch the eye thus causing blindness if left untreated) of one eye which would require eye surgery. The finder reports that Max had his surgeries, which include neutering, last Wednesday and did well although the doctor chose to keep him overnight because he had some bleeding in his incision. Max loves to snuggle and the finder will be looking for a loving home for him. Anyone interested should contact Jennifer at: [email protected]. Please remember that FIV should never be a death sentence and cats with FIV have been reported to live safely with other cats for several years. Transmission of FIV is primarily cause by bites where the skin is broken and if all cats in the household are neutered/spayed, attacks of this nature rarely occur. Please remember that any surgeries beyond neuter/spay, can be very costly and it’s only with the financial support of our friends can we improve the quality of life for the many orphans on the streets.