COMMUNITY CATS – Two More Orphans We No Longer Have to Fend for Themselves

Last two from a litter trapped last night….They were in a colony in our Board member’s place of employment, an industrial complex. They are now on to a better life. A big thank you to Ellen, mommy to their siblings and these two beauties will be joining them. 4 Paws 1 Heart is covering the medical for this litter…..please donate to So more stray, Abandoned and abused animals can have a second chance of a happy and healthy life. 4 Paws 1 Heart – Dee

VIOLA – Rescued from a Drug House Where they Would Drag Her Down the Street

9/6/21 – She was saved from a drug house where she was abused if didn’t do what they wanted — like walking on a leash. She would be seen being dragged and choking until she would walk. Viola is 9 months old. Her abuse was severe and she will need time to decompress and learn to trust humans. She will be tested for heart worm, spayed, and vaccinated when she is comfortably settled with her rescuer. One often wants to ask why humans treat animals like this with such cruelty but then you can turn on you TV or read the newspapers and figure out why. It’s those same people that have no respect for life — animal or human. Please remember the vulnerable in your prayers. – diana

ZEBE – Rescued from the Streets Found Positive for Heart Worm

9/3/21 – Zebe is another dog rescued from the tough streets by Streethearts Dogs Rescue. Unfortunately, after being neutered he was found to be positive for heart worm. Once again, we will be covering his treatment and giving him, what we hope, will be a second chance at life. Please remember him in your prayers and if you are interested in him, please contact our friends at Streethearts. –

BELLA BEAN – Neglected, Abused, and Underfed; Tested Positive for Heart Worm

9/2/21 – I recently received the following request for help:”My name is Danna. About 4 months ago, as an emergency, I rescued a female pit/terrier in that the couple who had her had neglected, abused, and misfed the dog. I immediately put her on a wait list to be spayed and to get her immediately checked for everything ( 2 years old and never had any shots). Wednesday July 21, she visited the vet, had a successful spay, but comes the bearer of bad news. She is heart worm positive, in a pretty advanced stage (there was no microfilariae, all adult). I would love to give this sweet girl a life she deserves, but my heart breaks knowing that it maybe too far advanced. I have made an appointment with all about animals in Flint, Michigan for August 20th for an initial consultation. Unfortunately, I do not have the funds in order to pay the vet for the treatment, anything will help my sweet BellaBean”.Of course, because of our generous supporters, I was able to say YES and Bella Bean was started on her 30-day pre-treatment. Without the many individuals and businesses who support us we would never be able to help these abused animals. But because of caring people like Danna and our friends, Bella Bean will be given that chance for a life filled with love and care. Please say a prayer for her because heart worm treatment is brutal, especially when dealing with advanced stages. – Diana

MOON – Showed Up on a Porch; Visible Ribs and a Large Flea Collar Around Her Neck

Beautiful Moon luckily showed up on the porch of a very caring family. Moon had a large flea collar on her, her ribs were visible, and her eyes were nearly closed and runny. She was coughing and had severe diarrhea. Tomorrow she will be seen by one of our partner vets and will be on her way to recovery and a safe and loving home. Thank you to the thousands of kind and caring people who have contacted us over the last 11 years to request help for the orphans on our streets. –

IMELDA – Prayers Needed; Tested Positive for Heart Worm

8/30/21 – Prayers for Imelda. I posted about Imelda who was rescued by our friend, Alanda, (the same person who rescued Gus). We were hoping Imelda would just need the standard medical but unfortunately she tested positive for heart worm. We don’t know the extent of the damage but she did start her 30 day pre-injection protocol on Friday. Heart worm treatment is very expensive and critical. In the mean time, Imelda can’t get spayed and must be kept relatively calm. Your donations save lives and anything you can do to assist is always greatly appreciated. –

MAVIS – Her Injuries Were Too Great to Survive – RIP Sweet Baby

8/27/21 – RIP Mavis. Yesterday I received a call from one our partner veterinary hospitals asking if we could cover the amputation of a little kitten who had been left at the door in a cardboard box. The paw appeared to be broken. One of the vet techs at the hospital was committed to taking the kitten home and if needed, finding a furever home. I, of course, said yes. Today, I learned that after further examination, the doctor decided that because of many more medical issues than originally thought, Mavis was humanely euthanized. The need continues to be overwhelming. –

COMMUNITY CATS – Rescued and Looking for Their Furever Homes

8/26/21 – These sweet babies were all rescued from a cat community cared for by one of our Board members. They will be tested, neutered/spayed, and vaccinated and then available for adoption through their foster: [email protected] No matter how much we all try, the need never seems to end. Thank you for our many supporters for making our efforts possible. –

OPIE – He was ‘Baby Boy’ Before His Rescuer Picked a Name – UPDATE

OPIE: Hi! Hi! Wook how big I’m getting!!! Check out dem weights since I came, I almost a whole pound now, yep..any minute!!! Pwetty sure yous gotta let me stay up late and pway once I hit 14.4oz…pwetty sure it’s dat law or sumpin. It’s in dem rules!!! I just gonna have a whittle bottle and I’ll be weady to pway all night long annnnnd….Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzz ❤