COMMUNITY CATS – Rescued and Looking for Their Furever Homes

8/26/21 – These sweet babies were all rescued from a cat community cared for by one of our Board members. They will be tested, neutered/spayed, and vaccinated and then available for adoption through their foster: [email protected] No matter how much we all try, the need never seems to end. Thank you for our many supporters for making our efforts possible. –

OPIE – He was ‘Baby Boy’ Before His Rescuer Picked a Name – UPDATE

OPIE: Hi! Hi! Wook how big I’m getting!!! Check out dem weights since I came, I almost a whole pound now, yep..any minute!!! Pwetty sure yous gotta let me stay up late and pway once I hit 14.4oz…pwetty sure it’s dat law or sumpin. It’s in dem rules!!! I just gonna have a whittle bottle and I’ll be weady to pway all night long annnnnd….Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzz ❤

DIETZ – Found Very Sick and Dehydrated with a Botfly Imbedded in his Neck

Prayers for sweet Dietz. I received a call from one of our favorite veterinary hospitals asking if we would cover the medical for a very young kitten found on the streets with a botfly imbedded in his neck. He was sickly and dehydrated. The young woman who found him was willing to give him a home but could not afford his medical care. Of course, we said yes. Dietz was given fluids, antibiotics and the botfly was removed. He appeared to be doing well but a few days later was returned to the hospital in respiratory arrest from low blood sugar. Dr. Zalac, Orion Animal Hospital, and her staff successfully resuscitated him and sent him home with prayers. He was moments from death. At this time, he is thriving and will be back to visit Dr. Zalac for neuter and vaccines. Thank you to our wonderful vets, their staffs, and the rescuers. –

CHANCE – Needs Your Prayers

8/23/21 – Prayers please for our Super Hero, Chance. It was March, 2015 when our Board member, Denise, received a call from a volunteer at a County shelter about this very sweet cat who had become paralyzed after getting neutered. He was going to be euthanized and the volunteer was calling for help. That is when the 4 paws 1 heart village stepped in. We all prayed and got our best doctors together and today he walks but as Denise says in this post, he has had some health issues over the years. But, we’ve always made sure he has had the best medical care possible. We don’t know what happened yesterday as described by Denise but your prayers for this little fighter would be much appreciated. – p.s. You can read about Chance’s journey on our website as noted. The following is Chance’s mom’s report:

“Hello Team, mom here.Well, we had a pretty scary episode with Chance this afternoon. One minute he was sitting with Auntie Marilyn and Aunt Shelly on the couch getting love & pets and the next minute…his nose turned bright red, he was throwing his head back, his nostrils were flaring, he was panting. Then he jumped down and was running back and forth sliding on the floor licking & licking and biting his legs. When I tried to hold him and calm him he peed all over. He had a temp when I took it of 104.5. He was having leg spasms, he kept holding his head in an odd way. It kind of seemed like a seizure, possibly a stroke…it was awful! We finally got him somewhat calmed down and was able to make some calls and get him into a vet that was very near and had Sunday hours. By the time we got to the vet he was much calmer but you could tell he was exhausted. His temp was down to 103.4. With Chance, he has many layers of issues and any one could set off another. His skin issues can cause bladder infections. Stress can make the skin and bladder infections worse. A muscle spasm or nerve pain can set off his stress. The vet took urine & blood to do a panel. He recieved fluids and antibiotics and is resting comfortably here at home. We are hoping to have answers from the tests by Tuesday and of course we will follow up with Dr. Z asap. Thankyou to 4 Paws 1 Heart for always being there for our little SuperHero. We will be watching him very closely while we await answers and followup with Dr. Z. We will of course keep you posted, please keep our boy in your prayers. Time for this mama to snuggle up with her SuperHero” đź’•

BRIAR BABIES – GWENIVERE, MAGNUS, HENRY, & HARRIETT – They Lost Their Mom and Were Found All Alone

Our Board member, Dee Brown Gudenau, once again is up to “no good” haha. Dee and her amazing husband, Rick, have once again taken on bottle babies who lost their mom. They are now 3 weeks old and having a great time getting into trouble. Of course, 4 Paws 1 Heart will be taking care of their medical needs and Dee will be taking care of their adoptions. Here is their story:

“The Brier Babies are on the go! So no further ado….as promised presentation of their names!Please meet…Gwenivere (Gwen), Magnus, Henry & Harriett. At approximately 17 days old they are doing well. (I want to say great but I don’t want to jinx it) Goods (hubby) & I have the bottle feeding, peeing and pooping down! Screaming Baths! Laundry! Lack of sleep! Lack of Vodka! (true story…we have to take the hit for the team) But all of it is worth it when they snuggle up to you and suck on your finger, hand, arm….or an occasional face. Hope all you of have a joyous Sunday! And a thank you to 4 Paws 1 Heart for backing their medical and their 3 siblings that Andrea Dow is fostering. We couldn’t do it without you. Backing medical for so many abandon, abused and stray animals. Please donate to help them continue their mission.“.

IMELDA – Found Her Way into the Right Yard

8/19/21 – This very sad and sweet girl was found in a neighbor’s yard. Alanda, the finder and her friend searched the neighborhood trying to find an owner but no one claimed her. Alanda, who was Gus’ rescuer (see website for his story) named her Imelda — sweet survivor. Imelda will be seeing one of our partner vets because she has a severe flea infestation and the poor baby is constantly scratching. She will be tested for heart worm, vaccinated, and spayed if needed. Alanda needs a reputable foster or adopter for this sweetie. So, please contact Alanda if you can help at: [email protected] Thank God for people who care! –


8/18/21 – A little over 11 years ago, I had a conversation with a colleague from Leadership Macomb (an organization I volunteered with for 21 years) about starting a non-profit which funded medical treatment for abandoned, stray, and abused animals. I originally got the idea because of the experience of Gina DeLuca Jenio who at the time was a vet tech at an emergency hospital on the east side of Wayne County. From that point, my friends, Cheryl Allmacher, Pam Willer, Cynthia S. Wojtowycz , Jimetta J. Dion Lewis and Gina got together and created 4 Paws 1 Heart. We had the perfect group of business, marketing, IT, non-profit, and animal expertise. And, 11 years later we have paid a little over $1.1 million in medical funding for stray animals in Macomb, Wayne, Oakland, and Genesee counties–also, in other parts of MI but not predominantly. We have assisted over 8,500 animals start a second chapter in their lives and have reduced the over population of strays on the streets by ensuring that every animal we assist is spayed/neutered/vaccinated. And, we could not have done it without our thousands of donors, our veterinary hospitals who provide us access and special pricing, and the many rescuers who do the ultimate work of rescuing those orphans on the streets. I want to recognize those hospitals we work with most although there are dozens of others who will work with us from time to time, and we, of course, appreciate them. Thank YOU to: All About Animals Rescue, without you thousands of cats and dogs would be born and killed on the streets; Patterson Veterinary Hospital, you’ve been with us from the beginning and we are furever grateful; Orion Animal Hospital, we met you at Patterson and then, Dr. Zalak, you went out on your own. You have come into the office on your days off and you’ve taught me so much–I don’t know what we would have done without you and your amazing staff; Groesbeck Animal Hospital, Center Line Veterinary Hospital, Five Mile Animal Hospital, Veterinary Medical Center, Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine, the home of our canine mascot, Hercules. Dr. Kern, you, too, have been integral to our success; Advanced Animal Emergency always there to help us with emergencies and support while so many others emergency hospitals are closing; Humane Society of St. Clair County/ S.N.A.P, The PAWS Clinic, COMFORT’s PLACE — all low cost clinics overwhelmed during this very difficult 1 and 1/2 years.I apologize for this long post but this journey has been amazing and it absolutely filled what was supposed to be a retirement from 32 years at Detroit Edison with the opportunity to not only save animals but to meet such a wonderful group of people who in some cases have become life-long friends. Thank YOU to our current Board of Directors: Gina DeLuca Jenio, Cynthia Wojtowycz, Lori Jobak, Dee Brown Gudenau, Angela Rogensues, Julie Ann Van Ameyde, Denise Najera, and Kim Fuhrmann. And our former Board Members: Dar Chip, Melissa Wills-Jeffrey, and Jimetta J. Dion Lewis. And, thank you to everyone who shares these posts and gives me the encouragement to keep fighting the fight to save those who have NO VOICE. May God Bless all those who advocate for the animals and may he watch over those who have no one. Here’s are Canine and Feline Mascots — Hercules and Chance may they live forever on this earth and in our hearts. –

PANDA and babies, PUDDING, PEANUT, and PISTACHIO – Rescued with Severe Infections; Pistachio Didn’t Survive

8/17/21 – RIP Pistachio (bottom right photo) – He was rescued with his mom and two siblings. They all had upper respiratory infections for which they received treatment. They were all set to get neutered/spayed, vaccinated but then came down with the infections once again. The mom, Panda, (top left) tested positive for FIV and we continued to wait for the babies to get better. One kitten, Pistachio, (bottom right) just couldn’t be touched. All of the others received treatment for fleas but Pistachio, kept separately, could not. Yesterday, when his rescuer woke up, Pistachio was not moving. He was taken into a partner veterinary and was found infested with fleas which left him in need of blood transfusions. He was also found to be FIV positive. The rescuer and the doctor believed that Pistachio’s chance of survival was minimal and decided to let him cross the Rainbow Bridge. This has been a horrible 1 and 1/2 years for not only the orphans on the streets but also owners who have been unable to get their pets into veterinary hospitals because of restrictions, illnesses, and staff shortages. We do what we can but we are limited by the dollars we have available. Your support has made a huge difference in the lives of so many and I just pray that we can continue to be there when needed. Tomorrow is our 11th Anniversary, please help us continue to help them-

Mama and Babies, Cedar, Birch, Walnut, and Maple – Found in a Brush Pile

8/16/21 – Although this very feral mom was returned to where she was found after we covered her vaccine and spay, her kittens are now safe and have since received all of their vaccines, been tested, and have been spay/ed neutered. Here is the story of Mama and her kittens, Cedar, Birch, Walnut, and Maple. – Diana

“5/20/21 – About 1 month ago my neighbors and I noticed a long haired calico cat actively running around the neighborhood. Last week I was able to see where she was going to — a huge pile of brush and wood in my neighbors backyard — out ran 4 little kittens. After over an hour of removing all the brush and stumps we were able to get to the bottom of the pile and get all 4 kittens. It was NOT easy, it was very dusty and very dark. That same night, I was able to trap momma in a live-trap, as she is very feral, and I now have her in my sunroom. The kittens are all eating hard and wet food along with nursing from momma. They are about 4.5 weeks old and my best guess is that on June 11th they will be about 8 weeks old. They are all healthy and I plan on fostering and finding them homes once they are fixed and get their vet care. – [email protected]”The need never ends. Please consider a donation today and joining us at our September 25 golf outing. In TWO days we will be celebrating our 11th Anniversary and to date we have paid $1.12 million in medical treatment for the abandoned, stray, and abused. And, without the support of our friends, thousands of animals would have been born on the streets, or worse, died. Thank you, as always. – diana