7/18/24 – This sweet baby, less than 1.6 lbs showed up at ‘grandpa’s house’. He was so sweet that grandpa’s daughter and grandson wanted to take him in and give him a permanent home. Unfortunately, his eyes were closed and the family was unable to cover any medical treatment for him. Grandpa names him Bubba. We were contacted and Bubba was seen at Orion Animal Hospital where he was found to have an upper respiratory infection. He received treatment for that and will have a follow up appointment for, hopefully, his vaccines. If he weighs enough he will be neutered; if not, that will be scheduled. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/
Rest in Heaven Sweet Quincy
7/18/24 – Rest in Heaven Sweet Quincy. He was dumped by his family when they got tired of him. He showed up in a cat community cared for by a friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart who brought him in when he appeared to have problems with breathing. He was taken to one of our partner vets yesterday in hopes he had a simple upper respiratory infection but x rays showed that he had fluid in his lungs and was having right side heart failure. Quincy’s pain ended when all agreed to let him cross the Rainbow Bridge. We were thankful to be there for Quincy. – diana
Lincoln Needs Our Help
7/17/24 – Lincoln needs our help and although we have continued to be on a temporary hold from assisting with severe cases, we couldn’t turn our heads. Lincoln was dropped off at a veterinary clinic and a vet tech there contacted one of our friends who is an independent rescuer. Lincoln had been stuck half way through a chain-link fence; long enough that his broken/dead tail was filled with more maggots than the veterinary technician had ever seen. The homeowner who eventually saw him had to literally cut through the fence to get him out before she dropped him off but unable to help him. Lincoln also appeared to have a broken leg. Thankfully, our partner veterinary clinic, Patterson Veterinary Hospital was able to get him in tomorrow and we will know if the leg needs to be amputated; I’m sure the tail will have to be amputated. The veterinary technician who will be fostering Lincoln wasn’t sure he would make it through the night but he did and he is actually trying to walk on a broken leg. Please keep baby Lincoln in your prayers and if you have any extra funds, we would appreciate your donation so that we can do everything needed for this brave baby. Please note there is another photo of the tail that I won’t post because of the horrific condition of his tail. Thank YOU, diana
https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Nymeria, Just a Baby
7/17/24 – Nymeria, just a baby, was found on a busy road; thankfully, she wasn’t hit by a car. Her savior was Jessica who brought her in, bathed her, combed her for fleas and gave her a safe room in her home. We were contacted to help with medical. She will get a wellness exam, vaccine, and deworming in a few days and then when she is old enough she will have the rest of her vaccines, a test for FIV/FeLv, and spay completed with another partner veterinary. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Cocoa … Happy Life with Mark
7/15/24 – On June 30, 2023 we received the following e mail about a very sweet dog left behind: “A few weeks ago, I spotted this little girl (now 69lbs.) on 6 Mile and Telegraph. She had protruding ribs and was digging in a trash can. I realized if I tried to lure her into my car, there could be a bad outcome. Fortunately, 2 other people stopped. One a dog rescuer and the other a cat rescuer. We worked as a team holding up traffic and trying to guide her to safety. She wobbled into the neighborhood where she huddled on a porch. A neighbor informed us that residents of house, where she took refuge, had abandoned her. Another animal lover joined us. After much effort, we got her into my car. My neighbor, Mark, agreed to take her in. It was love at first sight and I knew Mark needed this dog as he had one by one lost his three dogs to old age and illness. He named her Cocoa and started referring to himself as daddy. I offered to help him with expenses and finding affordable services without success. Mark made the difficult decision to give up Cocoa as he couldn’t afford to provide her with the care expected (Cocoa appears to be about 1 year old, healthy, experiencing weight gain, very smart, affectionate and wants to please). Just thinking about losing her made me tearful, but my personal life, and dog, won’t another pet (Although I kept trying to talk myself into keeping her as she’s so easy to love).. One last effort was to have her checked for a chip. She is so perfect, I thought maybe she was stolen. Mark and I took her to Five MIle Animal Hospital. While we were there (they were busy and scanner needed charging. An angel named Carol told me about 4 Paws 1 Heart. When I spoke with Diana, I couldn’t believe the help she was making available for Cocoa. We still have to check for a chip. Thank you to all you Donors who made it possible for Cocoa to have a long, happy life with Mark. – Diane” This weekend I received this happy update: “Here are pictures I took today at vet. Cocoa went in for her final results of heart worm treatment. She’s cured! 🎆🎆🎆 Had her yearly shots and is scheduled to be spayed. I believe she weighed about 60 lbs when we found her. She now weighs in at 91 lb Coco is so smart and obedient. She loves Mark (and me too). Thank you for all you have done for Coco and Mark. – Diane” Although this case started one year ago, our commitment does not end until the rescued animal is spayed/neutered. We are wishing a long life with much love from her Daddy. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Meet Buddy
7/15/24 – Meet Buddy. He was seen roaming through the neighborhood and then one day he seemed to take a liking to a particular house. For a few weeks the homeowner would feed him and attempt to make friends. She noticed that his ear appeared to be tipped but he seemed to want to be in a home. We were contacted in late June because Sarah, the homeowner, decided that she would like to take him in, make sure he was healthy, and then find a furever home for him. We had already helped Sarah once during a similar situation and the cat she found then was now living happily in a furever home. So, we were happy to help again. Before Sarah could get to the vet, she took another photo of Buddy sleeping in her flower box; Sarah “couldn’t wait to get Buddy”s clean bill of health and give him a proper bed to sleep in”. This weekend Sarah sent me the following e mail: “Hi Diana! Just wanted to update you on Buddy. We took him to the vet on Wednesday and he is doing very well now that he is officially in foster. He loves living in a home and hasn’t tried to go outside at all. He’s completely healthy and gets along with our cats. I’m excited to get him into a forever home hopefully some time very soon. He’s going to make somebody very happy. Thank you so much for your help! This would not have been possible at all without it. The work you do is so important and changes so many lives for the better. Thanks again! – Sarah”
If you are interested in adopting Buddy, please contact Sarah at: [email protected] https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Penelope and Salem
7/12/24 – These two beauties were rescued in the past week. The rescuer, Jessica, believes they are siblings. Penelope has a possible upper respiratory infection and Salem (the black cat) was rescued a few days after Penelope. They will be seen at one of our partner veterinary clinics and eventually be fully ready for adoption. Anyone interested should contact Jessica at: [email protected] – diana

Another Life Saved … Star
7/9/24 – Another life saved. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/
Gina Deluca … This beautiful girl who I temporarily named Star showed up under my cousin Trevor Duffiney deck about 1 week ago. She is skin and bones, very, very, sweet, about 7 ish. Yr old. Posted on lost and found and reported. Yesterday, 4 paws 1 heart had her fully checked out at Moore Veterinary Hospital and she is healthy other than anemia. The cause is unknown at this time, but we will start her on some meds tomorrow and recheck bloodwork in a week. This poor cat is front declawed and could not hunt or fend for herself for a food source. She is only 4.8 pounds and all bones. Thank God she wound up at the right house and we were contacted for help. I’m glad it worked out for this girl who could have starved to death of not rescued. ❤️
If interested in making a donation so we can keep doing what we do here is the link. https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Mission of 4 Paws 1 Heart
7/9/24 – The mission of 4 Paws 1 Heart is “To reduce the number of homeless animals by funding medical treatment for stray, abused, and abandoned companion animals.” Many on our Board take our mission one step further by assisting in adoption of animals we assist. Our Board member and Vice President, Gina DeLuca Jenio, is a licensed veterinary technician at Moore Veterinary. Gina will assist with getting stray animals into that vet, rescuing and finding lost animals, and very often fostering. Cynthia Wojtowycz coordinates our Petfinder site which is used to help independent rescuers of animals we help to find an adopter; she also rescues hospice and elderly cats and fosters independently. Many know Denise Najera,A Second Chance Chance and foster mom to special needs cats whom 4 Paws 1 Heart has helped medically and also created and coordinates a cat food pantry to help the elderly and those who care for colonies. And, Dee Gudenau, who created and coordinates The Kitty Room at the Pet Supplies Plus store on Harper and 13 Mile, St. Clair Shores, which again is used to assist the independent rescuers we assist with medical needs. These are just a few examples of how our Board members take on projects of their own to make a difference beyond their role as 4 Paws 1 Heart Board members. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Another Sad Update … Abigail’s Kitten Aaron
7/8/24 – Another sad update. Abigail’s kitten, Aaron, passed away at Advanced Animal Emergency this morning. He was much loved and cared for during his brief life. Please keep his two remaining siblings and Abigail in your prayers. RIH sweet boy. – diana Https://4paws1heart.org/donations/