9/4/15 – We are trying to raise $1000.00 by Sept. 7th. for Sommerset because she is in need of a surgery that is “time sensitive”.
She is about 6 weeks old now, and she was brought to us after being found on the street 3 weeks ago. During the first week doctors noticed that a couple of areas on her skin began to blister and slough off. We don’t know the exact reason why, but due to her happy puppy spirit and daily improvement we decided to “try” everything within our means one day at a time.
Her body was healing very quickly with the treatment plan, and she was doing wonderful! All of the sudden, last Saturday we hit a set back when her affected leg began to swell. The swelling has gotten slightly worse every day, and I of course began to panic. I have watched this puppy thrive, play, grow, and heal from an injury so unexpected that I couldn’t imagine losing her now. I took her home the day after she was found, to foster, and she is literally a treasure..
One of our doctors recommended going to Michigan State University to consult with a Board Certified Specialist in Wound Care, so that’s what we did. Today we met with the amazing staff at MSU and everyone just adored Sommerset. They strongly feel that she will have a 100% positive prognosis with this surgery.
They believe that her body created this scar tissue during her healing process, and as a result it has caused so much tension on the affected areas (chest, shoulder, leg) that it’s now acting as a tourniquet which is causing the severe swelling and edema.
Surgery is necessary to relieve the existing pressure, accelerate the healing, and allow for complete granulation. If we don’t do this we are risking cutting off the blood supply to her leg, causing serious nerve damage, pain, and she could ultimately lose her leg. If you can find it in your heart to help us give this foster puppy every possible chance please donate towards her surgery. We love her to pieces and we want her to live..
Here is the link to donate: https://4paws1heart.org/donations/
Thank you, Gina