Jackson, Michigan – More Cats Who Will Never Have to Reproduce Again

11/25/15 – This has been the year for helping those individuals who refuse to turn their backs on animals in need. Chef Krissy Kerwin is one of those people. She has not only rescued strays but she has stood up to people who were ready to dump their animals where they would have surely suffered a tortuous death. Here are a few more of those babies whom we worked with Krissy to save. All except the last cat (who is feral and the dad of Bunny (posted earlier) are in their forever homes. ~ dianaKrissyKerwin11:27:15**KrissyKerwin11:27:15##krissykerwin11:27:15+++krissykerwin's11:27:15

Chance – His First Days in the High-Kill Shelter

11/22/15 – The 4 Paws 1 Heart miracle. Our baby, A Second Chance For Chance, when he was in the high-kill shelter. Please help us continue our mission to fund medical treatment for abandoned and abused animals by making a donation today. If every one of our 8,000 followers could just donate $10, we could make a difference in the lives of 800 animals and prevent thousands more from being born on the street to die. Donations can be made through paypal on the ‘donate’ link on this page, on our website 4paws1heart.org or by mailing a check to P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080. As of November 21, 2015 we have paid almost $120,000 in medical bills and the need never ends Every day I get several requests for help. Unfortunately, the incidents of cats and dogs in jeopardy gets even worse in the winter. Thank you in advance for your generosity! 

Here is the posting that caught the eye of his now foster mom, Denise. ~ diana

“Chance- AKA ( scaretty-cat) Im looking for a very special place for Chance. He is a loving cat that can not seem to use his back legs. He needs some sort of therapy. When he was taken from Genesee County Animal Control. He walked into the crate. Now he cant use his back legs. Ive been trying to message his back legs and work with him. But I don’t know how I can help him. He loves to be rubbed and petted. If you know of any place that can help[ him please send them mt way – Tammy Beal”Chance, May 2015

Bunny – Abandoned

11/21/15 – Meet Bunny. Bunny is in the Jackson, MI area and 4 Paws 1 Heart was again happy to help our friend Chef Kerwin in her efforts to spay/neuter all stray cats and find them homes. This is Bunny’s story:

“Bunny is a Manx (Rumpy) with no tail at all, She’s been in foster with Chef Kerwin for two years. Unfortunately, because the other cats attack her, she has been set up in a very comfortable garage. She LOVES people and attention. Living outside, alone is sad for her. The first photo is when she was first brought in to the home. The other is how she looks today. – Krissy Kerwin”

Anyone interested in adopting Bunny should contact krissykerwin@gmail.combunnyw:krissykerwin11:21:15

Kroger Community Rewards – Designate 4 Paws 1 Heart

11/27/15 – Happy Black Friday! While we are thinking about shopping don’t forget to select 4 Paws 1 Heart as your charity when you shop at Kroger. If you don’t have a reward card, sign up for one. If you have a rewards card, go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com and select 4 Paws 1 Heart #91069. If you have any problems, contact customer service at 1-800-krogers. At this time we have 238 supporters, just think what we could do if every friend on this page, who shops at Kroger, would select us. And remember, gas reward points are not affected. Thanks!! Diana

Happy Thanksgiving from Team Chance and 4 Paws 1 Heart

“Goood Morning & Happy Thankgiving Team Chance!!!! We have soooo much to be thankful for Im so thankful for being able to do something I only dreamed of 8 months ago….WALK AGAIN!!!! Mom and I are sooo thankful for 4 Paws 1 Heart, Dr. Kern at Pawsitive Steps, Auntie Debra Berolatti who takes us to all my appts, the great vets who have seen to my other needs, Auntie Diana Rascano who believed in me and mom that we could make this dream a reality smile emoticon Im sooo thankful for all my great friends here at Team Chance for all your love, prayers, encouragement and support! And moms sister Aunt Shelly, who encourages and supports all our efforts both with me and all the others we have, and will continue to rescue. Im thankful for my warm bed & full belly, my toys and fur siblings. Sooo hug your loved ones today, save your fur babies some of that delicious turkey and remember those both 2legged and 4legged that are not as fortunate today. Reach out and share your many blessings. Have a beautiful love filled day, we love you all very very much!!! Love, purrs & woofs Chance, Oliver, Bridgette, Muskrat, Gizmo, Star, Twinsie & Mom”chance11:26:15

Abandoned When Their Owners Moved – Sweet Kittens Are Now Safe

11/26/15 Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Friends. These sweet babies will be enjoying a safe and happy day in their new homes. They were abandoned by their owners when they were evicted from their home. Thank you to Jo A and Debbi N. for rescuing them and finding them a forever home. 4 Paws 1 Heart is thankful for all of our growing supporters who make it possible to make a difference in the lives of so many — animals and human.kittensw:joaddington11:26:15

Harper – Update! We Were Afraid He Would Lose His Eye

11/23/15 – harper11:23:15Harper Update, Harper was found in the middle of the road just over a week ago. He had a severe upper respiratory infection and was hospitalized at Advanced Animal Emergency. They took very good care of him and then he was transferred over to Animal Urgent and Critical Care Center for continued medical under 4 paws 1 heart. Today he is doing much better and we’ll see him soon for a re check. ♡