3/16/16 –
I wanted to post an update and let everyone know how she’s doing. The last 24 hours we have closely observed behaviors in Cookie that strongly suggests fear and pain. She is very traumatized and in need of someone who will hold her and love her. Last night spinal radiographs were taken because she has possible trauma to her neck/spine. The fact that she is super terrified on top of it makes it hard to diagnose pain from fear. She has not made a sound since she arrived and we know she is hurting. We started her on pain management and she is finally eating small amounts. She will only eat for a couple of us because she is very nervous about trusting anyone. I just got her to eat some chicken from my hand and last night she ate some turkey for me. Once she is healthy enough we will get her fixed and then address the mammary gland abscess. Thank you, Gina