6/28/16 – For our many friends who have followed us over the past 5+ years, you know this is the time of the year where the requests for help with cats/kittens far exceed the requests for dogs. This little guy, Nubsters, is another one. We received a call from a person we had helped in the past. Her friend found this little one outside with many open sores across the belly. Her friend offered to take the kitty in but couldn’t afford to take him to the vet. Thankfully because of the great relationship we have with our veterinary clinics, Nubsters was able to get in to see Dr. Steve at one of our favorite clinics, Healthy Paws. The report was a serious one. Nubster has a severe infection which will require surgery. The vet said that the red around the open sores is actually muscle. He was taken into surgery yesterday morning to surgically clean out the infection because it is so bad and it cannot be treated with just antibiotics. Say a little prayer for this guy.~ diana