9/7/16 – It was August 1 when we were first contacted about this sweet girl who found her way to the porch of a very caring family 3 weeks prior. The family had been providing food and water when one day, Mocha Latte walked through the door when the dog was let out. Everyone fell in love with her and decided that they would provide her a forever home. 4 Paws 1 Heart agreed to pay for her spay and vaccinations only to find out she was pregnant. Everything was going well until an abscess was found on Mocha’s chin along with some other cuts around her neck. Once again, we came through and had Mocha seen by the doctor. Well, the other day, I received this e-mail from Mocha Latte’s mom:
“Mocha did great through her labor and delivery. Her labor started at 5 p.m. and her last baby was born at 8:08 p.m. Mama stayed with her babies all night until she got up to eat at 7 am the next morning. Before her first kitten was born she did push out a sac that had just a blob and placenta in it. I’ve never seen that with a cat before during delivery. I am not sure if it was an undeveloped kitten that never even formed or what but before I could figure it out she ate it. (I wanted to throw up) She wouldn’t let me leave her side. Every time I tried to get up she would stop pushing and try to follow me so I had to strap in for the ride. She did beautifully. Her motherly instincts kicked in from the moment she went into labor. My Fur-daughter is a trooper, and my 2 new grand-fur-babies are strong criers, but healthy so far and doing good. I will keep you updated as things move along. Thank you again for helping us with this beautiful little girl. She is the 3rd child I have always wanted, but unfortunately my body couldn’t give me. I am a happy worried new mommie again, and now grandmommie. – Brandy””