3/3/17 – Prayer Warriors Needed! 4 Paws 1 Heart has committed to another little one whose back legs appear to be paralyzed. Here is Chance’s posting after she arrived at the home of her new foster moms. Of course we will keep our supporters updated. ~ diana
“ITS TIME!!!! SHE’S HERE!!!! 4 PAWS 1 HEART TO THE RESCUE!!!! Team Chance, please meet Carla…Carla, please meet Team Chance! Carla is 9wks old and was an owner surrender at Taylor Animal Shelter after accidently having a door closed on her..a month ago 😢 rendering her back end paralyzed. She does have some movement in one leg, but it seems to be involuntary, more like a spasm.
Friends Of Scooby Animal Rescue reached out to Auntie Di at 4 Paws 1 Heart for help and of course 4 Paws said yes!!! Then Auntie Di reached out to us and of course we said yes! We will be making an appointment for Carla with our vet tomorrow for x-rays ect and see where we go from there. Meantime, Carla has had a nice warm bath and a yummy dinner and we’re letting her settle in a bit. Shes a sweet baby and we’re so happy to have her. We will be adding supplies to our Amazon Wishlist tonight that will help us care for our sweet new girl. Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart, Welcome Carla!!! ❤
❤ 4paws1heart.org – Chance”