8/23/17 – These two babies were severely neglected in a house of horrors. Far too many people start off thinking that they are saving animals but end up actually being the abusers. These two were rescued by our friend, Kim Miller, who contacted us for help. Yesterday, the one baby had surgery and both eyes had to be removed. God willing, the other baby will not have to face the same fate – so far, so good. Thank You to Samantha Ann Roy, for fostering them and giving them love and a special thanks to Stephanie Howard for donating enough money to cover the medical bill. Please say a small prayer tonight for all of the abandoned, stray, and abused animals who have not had the good fortune of finding a caring human being. ~ diana
***** UPDATE ***** I am beyond overwhelmed with joy and happy tears !!!!!!! Stephanie Howard generosity is amazing !!!! Diana & I are beyond grateful to you ❤️
❤️these baby’s will never be neglect and in pain again !!!!
This is what happens when you NEGLECT and animal who knowingly had an URI and infected eye !!!!!
Both her eyes had to be removed which was not expected !!!!
Her sisters eyes are improving very slowly
Thank you to Ariel Dolby-Criger for temporarily caring for them and being such a great foster mommy
Thank you to Samantha Ann Roy for stepping up and taking these baby’s when no one else would ❤️
❤️ I know they will be in great care !!!!!
If you could help by making a donation directly to www.4paws1heart.org Diana Rascano & I would greatly appreciate it !!!!!
Please make donations in the names of Cocoa & Puff ❤️
I am aiming to reach 500.00 goal
As we all know there will be follow up care as well!!!
THANK YOU !!!!! ` Kim”