Back in August Snow was found with a huge wound on his neck that we think was caused by an infection under the skin that ruptured. Unfortunately, after almost fully healing the area is starting to appear infected and not closing. Today he will be seen for a culture to see if there is a bacterial growth, and we will treat with the antibiotic sensitive to the bacteria. Please keep him in your prayers as he has been through a lot during this healing time. Snow would certainly have not survived without our help. Please consider donating today especially while we have this match going on and your donations are doubled! P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
From 8/15 – Snow is doing well. Unfortunately, he tested positive for FIV but he is otherwise in good health. He was neutered today and his wound was addressed. This is going to take some time to heal. He may need daily bandage changes until skin closes up. It was likely from some sort of trauma. Snow is INCREDIBLY sweet and deserves a forever home. Gina
Paws crossed.. I’m sorry for the graphic pic but this is why we need your support because of animals like this who are found injured, in pain, and helpless. We were contacted today and fortunately able to get him in for care. Thank you Moore Veterinary Hospital for allowing us to get help initiated for Snow even tho the schedule was packed. His angel rescuer, Amanda, can sleep well tonight knowing he is in good hands. I’ll update tomorrow once we have been able to address the wound. For now, antibiotics, pain medication, and fluids have been given to get him comfortable and stable for anesthesia in the morning. If you would like to donate our link is – P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
Thank you, Gina