12/30/23 – On November 30 Kendall found 2 stray kittens, Hazel and Alice, (about 5 months old) in the Texas Roadhouse parking lot at 23 mile road, MI. She was able to capture them using a live trap, and then she set them up in her bathroom while she figured out the next steps. As so many who happen to come upon an animal in need,, Kendall and her husband weren’t planning on rescuing two kittens; they had just spent whatever money they had on home repairs. But, they couldn’t stand the thought of these very sweet animals trying to survive in the wild. Kendall and her husband decided to rescue them and make sure the kittens were in good health, vaccinated, and spayed and then try to find them a home. Kendall contacted several rescues/shelters without success and was advised that if they couldn’t find placement to just TNR them. But the couple just didn’t have the heart to put them back out in the freezing rain even if they were able to get them spayed. Kendall’s mom suggested that she contact 4 paws 1 heart which is what she did on December 4. Hazel and Alice were first taken into The Kitty Clinic to have a wellness exam, a fiv/felv test, and to get their distemper/rabies vaccines. One of the kittens has an eye infection and when that is cleared they will be spayed. Kendall reports that a friend may be adopting both — paws crossed. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080