RIP Grandpa

1/11/25 – RIP Grandpa. Grandpa showed up at Joann’s door a few around New Year’s Day. He had been around her home in the past; he would come and go. According to Joann, when he showed up that day he was in bad shape. She was able to get him into her small bathroom to care for him. He was limping badly on his front left leg. He had a few wounds on his back and sounded congested with eye discharge. He also had a lump on the right side of his face/neck. He is an older cat, not a kitten and he appeared to have been neutered. He was very skinny.

We authorized Grandpa to be seen at Patterson Veterinary Hospital; he was seen yesterday, January 10. Unfortunately, Grandpa has a tumor the size of a baseballl in his left front arm pit which was causing his limp. He was physically in very bad shape with an infection, the tumor, the weight loss and many wounds on his body. He also tested positive for FIV. Both the doctor and Joann believed the best option for senior Grandpa was humane euthanasia. Joann, understandably, was totally heartbroken over this outcome but she took comfort in knowing that Grandpa knew love in his final days with lots of attention from her, a warm bed, delicious food, and treats.

Joann said he was a fighter and thanked our organization for what we do to help “these beautiful souls”. We couldn’t do it without YOU! – diana

P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Oliver Winston’s Story

1/10/25 – I just had to post Oliver Winston’s story as I received it on January 7, 2025

“Hello, I was referred to you by someone who said you might be able to help us with our stray cats. On January 1st, 2025 I heard meowing for the 5th time and I followed it like I always did. It sounded like it came from outside but this time, I followed the noise to a vent in my house and noticed the flaps were closed off. I opened them to find the cutest big yellow eyes and orange little head peeking through meowing. This little guy was under the house for about a week and in our vents. He was so scared and dehydrated and hungry. We just fell in love with him. My son’s birthday was yesterday. He has been wishing for an orange little kitten and it literally popped up in the vent. lol However, I am concerned about his breathing and lungs. And I can not afford to get this cat his shots, or get him fixed. We would love to keep him. I just need help with shots and getting fixed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. – Donyelle”

Well, of course, we were able to say “YES” to this handsome little guy. He’s authorized to be treated, tested, vaccinated, and neutered at Orion Animal Hospital.

These kitties can pop up in strange places and Oliver Winston is the second case we’ve received in the past couple of weeks for a cat found in one of the house’s vents. He will be in great hands. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080 :

Meet Emerald and Furry Krueger

1/10/25 – Meet Emerald and Furry Krueger. Emerald was one of three kittens dropped off at Jessica’s home — we have helped Jessica with prior rescues and all have found their way into loving homes. A little girl told Jessica that kitten she was able to catch was named Emerald. Shortly after Jessica had contacted us about Emerald she contacted us about the Furry Krueger. Jessica had turned on her street after leaving Kroger’s and there was a litter of three kittens just hanging out in the middle of the road. There is a gated area for a small business and they were all running from there. Furry Krueger went in the live trap within 5 minutes but when Jessica went back to catch his siblings 2 days later the owner of the business was verbally abusive and threatened her. He said that he feeds a feral colony and wants them as shop cats. Jessica tried to explain that the cats needed to be TNR’d. There appeared to be a mom with kittens and other cats hanging out there. She told the business owner that it was important to remove the kittens before they were hit by a car but he didn’t want to hear it. She didn’t know if she would be able to catch the other two kittens without making him angry but she is very concerned for the safety of the other 2 kittens–they just run back and forth from his area to a neighbor across the street– a very sad situation. She saw 2 deceased cats in that area within the last month. It’s so very frustrating with so many ignorant people in our communities when even offered assistance, refuse to spay/neuter stray cats and allow them to propagate like weeds. More authority and dollars are needed by our municipal animal control shelters to take strays from the streets and at least pay for the neuter/spay — even if it means returning this back to the streets from which they came. Instead, very often the situations are either ignored or people are fined and the authority just walks away without actually taking care of the problem which is leaving cats without being spayed/neutered.

Furry Krueger is very sweet and follows Jessica wherever she goes and loves to ‘make bread’ as we say in the cat world. Emerald is doing good and Jessica will again be looking for furever homes for her little rescues.

If you are interested, please contact Jessica at: [email protected]. – diana

Who Names a Kitten Baby Sheriff?

1/8/25 – As the rescuer, Lisa, said, “Who names a kitten Baby Sheriff?” Well she did and she has fallen in love with him. Baby Sheriff came into Lisa’s life around Thanksgiving when he came up to her while she was walking back from the store in the pouring rain. She couldn’t turn him away and brought him home. When Lisa called All About Animals to make an appointment she was told that appointments were 6 months out and they told her to contact 4 paws 1 heart. Lisa did just that and now Sheriff Baby will be tested, vaccinated, and neutered at Five Mile Animal Hospital with one of our favorites, Dr. Mina. We are thankful for the many generous people who made donations over the holidays even though the economy continues to be difficult.

Orphans like Sheriff Baby would die on the streets if it weren’t for our amazing village. – diana P.S. The first two photos are of Sheriff Baby when he first approached her in the rain.

Mocha was found ,,,

1/7/25 – Mocha was found with a “horrible cough and sniffles”. The rescuer’s son immediately fell in love and we were asked if we could help. We did and authorized Mocha to be treated at one of our partner veterinary clinics, Five Mile Animal Hospital in Redford, MI. Once Mocha recovered from his upper respiratory infection, he was tested for fiv/felv, vaccinated, and neutered.

Another orphan given a new lease on life with a loving family. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Blackie, Twinkles, and Speckles were rescued …

1/7/25 – Blackie, Twinkles, and Speckles were rescued from behind a store in a strip mall; they had been living in a field near the strip mall. They are just about 6 months old and will be tested, vaccinated, and spayed/neutered at All About Animals Rescue in Flint. There is a fourth, Miss Catitude who was rescued a few days later and she will be getting ‘the works’ onn February 6 and will be looking for her furever home. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Baxter Showed Up at a Fire Department

1/3/25 A fire department in Detroit has been putting food out for some strays and Baxter was one of them. Approximately one week ago he showed up to the fire department with a hole in his eye likely from trauma.

One of the guys took Baxter to emergency but due to cost Baxter couldn’t get surgery. When they reached out to us we contacted one of our partner vets who was fortunately able to get Baxter in right away, and eye removal was done yesterday. He is recovering in this picture on fluids and pain meds.

The firefighter is going to foster and hopefully keep Baxter inside from now on. He fell in love with this boy. Thank you to those who support our mission to help cats and dogs like Baxter get the second chance they deserve. Veterinary care is expensive and strays do not have an owner to provide medical funding or decisions for their quality of life, so we are blessed to be able to help in some way.. Gina

Toast’s surgery was a success

1/2/25 – Happy 2025 to our many friends and supporters. On December 19, 2024 we posted about Toast who had a serious eye injury and needed to have his eye removed. Unfortunately, because of the holidays and staff shortages, Toast couldn’t get surgery as quickly as needed but was finally able to get into one of our great partner veterinary hospitals and was scheduled for eye removal on December 30. Yesterday I received the following from his amazing rescuer, Patra:

“12/30/24 – Hi Diana. Toast’s surgery was a success. She did great, no complications. We just got home and she is recovering now. She ate some food and is resting. She did really well! I go back for a follow-up appointment, to get the stitches remove, in 2 weeks. Thanks Diana. I’ll keep in touch with you, about her recovery. Patra”

“1/1/25 – Hi Diana. Happy New Year! Toast is recovering very well. She is very energetic. She is so relieved to have her eye removed. She doesn’t seem to have any more pain. It’s like she did a complete 180, from being very tired, lethargic, and non-responsive at times, to now, playful and having so much energy. And surprisingly, she is keeping her Elizabethan Collar on, and not fighting it, nor is she picking and grabbing at her stitches. (She only has another week & a half to go). I bet she can’t wait to get the collar off. I think she was very happy to have gotten this surgery! Toast and I thank you very much Diana! – Patra”

A huge thank you to Patra, Dr. Blasses of Orion Animal Hospital, and the staff. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Zorro and Peaches

1/2/25 – On Christmas Day we posted the story of Zorro and Peaches who were rescued in November with upper respiratory infections. They were just 5-6 weeks old at the time. Now they have been treated, vaccinated, and will be spayed/neutered on January 16.

Then, these very sweet babies will need their furever homes. If you are interested in adopting Zorro (black) or Peaches (orange) OR both, please contact Kelley at: [email protected] – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Precious Update

1/2/2025 – Precious update. Several people have been following her story, so I wanted to post an update to let everyone know how she is doing. We had a hard time getting her into a cardiologist right away, but we were able to do the echocardiogram through a day-practice hospital. It wasn’t something the doctor felt should wait in case she needed to be put on heart medication right away.

The report basically showed that she has enlargement on the left side, and lower airway disease, which could be Asthma. They wanted a further workup on a blood pressure and thyroid check to rule out hypertension. We were able to do both of those things. As of right now, the doctor is recommending no heart medication and recheck her blood pressure in 2 months – Gina