Bailey – Her Owners Were Never Found But Thankfully She Found a Loving Family

12/2/19 – This is Bailey. The homeowner was putting up Christmas lights when Bailey walked up to her. She had no collar, no tags, no license. Every time the homeowner tried to catch her, Bailey would run away, but, then she would come back. Finally, the homeowner was able to catch Bailey and hold her. She was shivering because of the cold. The homeowner brought her in and Bailey immediately took a liking to the mom (rescuer) and the kids but seemed a little skittish around the dad. Efforts were made to find an owner and calls were made to the the appropriate sources but no one has claimed her. Bailey is very thin and appears to have worms. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be taking care of her medical needs including a heart worm test. Paws crossed that it will be negative. The family will keep Bailey but with Christmas and 4 children, they just weren’t prepared for the unexpected expense of a lost/abandoned dog but they are ready to give her love and a warm home. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080
bailey w:rachel bauman Bailey w:

Cody – Found on the Streets and When Rescuer Ran Into Health Issues, Was Going to Euthanize Him

11/8/19 – Cody was found on the streets and no owner could be found. The person who found him ran into some health problems and was going to euthanize him. Streethearts Animal Rescue stepped up and took him in believing they had a foster but everything fell through. Cody is now in boarding and he was also found to have heart worm. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be paying for his heart worm treatment and if anyone is interested in fostering or meeting him, please contact Streethearts at: [email protected]
My heart breaks for these poor animals who continue to be treated as disposable objects. If you’d like to help with Cody’s heart worm treatment, donations can be made to:
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
thanks, dianacody w:streethearts--11:8:19 Cody w:Streethearts 11:8:19cody w:streethearts--11:8:19

Syrio – Update

Syrio’s breeder brought him to a veterinary clinic to be euthanized because he had a cleft palate. I guess he was considered damaged goods. He was only days old but thankfully a vet tech at the hospital asked the breeder to surrender him instead. She then called another vet tech at a different hospital and she agreed to take him in. Amber, the vet tech, syringe fed him for 6 weeks because he couldn’t eat on his own. He is now a little over 5 months old and weighs 5 1/2 lbs. Amber contacted us to see if we could help him get his surgery in that both doctors, who have been seeing Syrio, recommended it. We’re hoping that we can get Syrio into a specialist, who we’ve worked with many times, next week. Thank YOU for your consideration. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080

UPDATE:  Syrio saw a specialist and is scheduled for surgery in mid december.  Here are updated photos.syrio 2 syrio 1 syrio 10:31:19

Syrio – His Breeder Wanted to Euthanize Him Because of a Cleft Palate

10/29/19 – syrio syrio-10:29:19 syrio -- syrio== syrio=== syrio----Dear Supporters, Syrio needs YOU. At just days old, Syrio was brought into a local veterinary clinic by his breeder. He was to be euthanized because he had a cleft palate and was no good to the breeder. Instead the staff had the breeder surrender Syrio to them and the licensed vet tech (LVT) called another one of her colleagues to see if she could take in this little guy. Amber, an LVT, with another partner veterinary clinic, took Syrio in. He could not eat on his own and she tube fed him for 6 weeks until he could eat on his own. It is now almost 5 months later and Syrio, at 4.5 lbs, is now in need of surgery. The surgery will cost between $2,000 and $2,500 and both doctors who have examined Syrio believe strongly that he needs the surgery. And this is why he NEEDS YOU.

My cousin and former Board member has offered to MATCH all donations in Syrio’s honor up to $1,000. Unfortunately, we have taken on many expensive commitments including another broken leg and heart worm, so if we are going to be able to help, it will have to be through this MATCH. Please, if you can, donate today. We will schedule Syrio to see the specialist as soon as we’ve raised enough money. Thank YOU in advance. – Diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080

Tobe – Running the Streets with Heart Worm

10/24/19 – Prayers for Tobe. He was found running the streets. The rescuers brought him to a vet to check for a microchip but there was none; they then posted and tried to find his owner, but without success. The rescuers contacted us and we arranged for him to be seen by one of our partner vets. Unfortunately, Tobe was found to be heart worm positive. So often, we believe that dogs are dumped when owners find out their pet has heart worm. Although, if a dog has been running the streets for a long time, they may contract heart worm while on the streets. Nonetheless, Tobe is a very sweet dog and the rescuers are committed to him. On Tobe’s vet visit he was given antibiotics to address a congestion issue. So, in reality he has already started the beginning of his heart worm treatment. We have committed to Tobe’s full treatment and recovery. This is another one of those cases that are expensive but we’re not going to turn our back. Thank you for anything you can do to support the abandoned, stray, and abused. ~ diana
tobe 10:24:19

D.O.G. – Found Roaming the Streets

9/24/19 – The finder’s son named him D.O.G. He was found roaming the street and after 3 weeks of posting signs and information on For the Love of Louie, no owner could be found. And, although, it was against the finder’s better judgement, she did contact the Detroit Animal Control who said they were full and would not accept him. So, today D.O.G. will be taken to a vet, complements of 4p1h, and he will be heart worm tested (pray for negative results), scheduled for neuter, and vaccinated. The finder is desperate to find a rescue organization or eligible foster who can take him in while a permanent home can be found. Although D.O.G. is safe, the finder has two other dogs, one of which is not “fond” of strangers. If you can help, contact Dawn at: [email protected] – diana 9:24:19

Jane Doe (aka Smallie Smalls) – Update

9/20/19 – Jane Doe, now known as Smallie Smalls, is with a great rescue,Rebel Dogs Detroit. Here is an update from them:
“”Smallie Smalls is not letting her stitched up wounds keep her down. She is feeling great and is putting on a challenge:
“Show me a smaller pit bull with a bigger smile!”
We don’t think you can, but Smallie insists you try!
Thank you again to @4paws1heart for covering her medical bills! We are extremely grateful.””

Thank you to our many individual supporters and businesses who make our work possible. Can you believe this girl’s smile after all that she has been through in her short life? ` diana doe aka smallie smalls 9:20:19

Blaz (aka Gus) – From Rags to Riches — Rescued When He Was Heart Worm Positive and Alone – Now the King of the Hill

9/16/19 – Remember Blaz (aka Gus) — If not, check out his story on our website. He went from an abandoned/stray, very emaciated and unloved dog with heart worm to king of the hill. A continued huge thanks to Alanda, whose yard he miraculously found. Alanda loved him, saw him through his heart worm treatment, and then adopted him to our friends Albert and Pauline. Gus is now much loved and spoiled. ~ diana 9:15:19 blaz:gus 9:16:19 blaz:gus 9:18:19

Smiley Smalls (aka Jane Doe) – We Assume She was Used as a Bait Dog and For Breeding, then Tortured

9/11/19 – Prayers and positive energy for this poor abused female. I will call her Jane Doe because she has been in the hands of far too many bad people. A couple of days ago I received a call from a long-time rescuer and friend about a dog needing medical attention. Unfortunately, at the time, our friend did not know the severity of Jane’s injuries. She was only told that Jane had been attacked by another dog and had injuries to her ear. Of course, I authorized the vet visit and yesterday, sweet Jane was operated on. I’ve only included photos that weren’t as graphic as others. They were sent to me by the vet but trust me when I say that her wounds were much greater than you can see here. She had several bite wounds to her head, one so great, the bite was into her scalp. She had three stab wounds, one slit was within an inch of her aorta. Her ear and side face was mangled and her stomach was laced with scars. Her teeth were either ground down, removed in some cases, or were damaged because, instead of having food to eat, she tried to eat rocks. While the doctor was trying to repair Jane, the staff was crying over thinking what this very sweet dog had gone through. Here is the very sad story of “Jane”.

She belonged to a woman who is now in prison for murder. Jane was kept outside the majority of the time and never had enough food. When the owner went to prison, Jane was in very bad physical health and the friend of the owner took her in and helped her get healthy again. But then the friend was told to give Jane to the ‘owner’s’ cousin. That cousin neglected/abused her and then gave her to someone else. This cycle kept up. Poor Jane went from place to place, each time with the owner’s demands and after each stay she would be returned in very poor physical condition to the friend. We suspect that Jane was used for breeding and possibly used as a bait dog. We do know that when she was eventually picked up by our rescue friends, Jane was kicked out of the way and then turned over to the rescuer in the horrible condition that was described.

Unfortunately, there are far too many ‘Janes’ in our communities being abused, used for dog fighting, or at the very least, neglected. The vet staff told me that although Jane has been to hell and back, she is one of the sweetest dogs they have met. She is happy, wagging her tail, and just wants to be petted. Without your donations, 4 Paws 1 Heart could not help all of these animals with their medical needs. We don’t know how much Jane’s surgery will cost and we will continue to work with her rescuer to make sure she gets all of the medical attention she needs. So, if you can afford a donation today, we would greatly appreciate it. A huge thank you also to the staff at Five Mile Animal Clinic, they are caring and just plain wonderful people. ~ diana

missy 9:11:19 missy9:11:19 missy 9:11:19