Prince – Left to Die on a Chain

1/8/21 – Prince was left to die with a huge chain wrapped around his neck. His rescuer, Amy, had to buy him to save him. He was malnourished, infested with fleas and fly bites, and had a severe rash around his neck. Two days ago he tested positive for heart worm. His rescuer has been working with him to build his trust and his treatment will start asap. Here he is in his new sweater complements of a 4 paws1heart supporter. A little prayer for his full recovery would be appreciated. – diana

Baby Girl – A Victim of a Hit and Run is Out of the Hospital

12/31/20 – A Happy Update! Baby Girl left emergency yesterday morning and spent the night sleeping next to her rescue mom. You might remember that Baby Girl is the victim of a hit and run. She suffered trauma to her lungs which resulted in vomiting blood, trauma to her bladder which resulted in blood in her urine, and trauma to her hips and back legs resulting in bruising and pain when walking. Baby Girl also is suffering from road rash. She is now safe in her new temporary home being treated for pain and the road rash. She is being well fed, and is now warm and loved. As so often is the case in the City, no owner could be located. She will be up for adoption when she has healed.
And, as a tumultuous 2020 ends, I would again like to express my sincere appreciation for the amazing people in our community who give up so much of their lives to save animals, our professional and caring veterinary staffs who work with us, and, without whom we could do nothing, our very generous supporters. In a year when so many were out of work, shut down, or facing illness, we were able to give help to more animals than ever before in any one year. The Board of 4 Paws 1 Heart and I wish everyone of you a 2021 filled with much love, laughter, and good health. God’s blessings to all. – diana

Baby Girl – Victim of a Hit and Run

12/29/20 – Baby Girl is the victim of a hit and run. It was mid afternoon when i received a call from an amazing rescuer who we’ve helped often. Baby Girl was limping and bleeding from the mouth. We authorized her to go to our emergency partner and that’s where she’ll be through the night. She’s had blood work and x rays. We are not sure of her injuries but the doctors want to make sure there is no internal bleeding. Prayers for these poor stray animals. Thank you for your support. Without you, these animals would have no hope. – diana
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Taco – Found During a Snow Storm, Limping

12/28/20 – Taco was seen limping and loose during our snow storm in mid-December. It took awhile for the rescuer to catch him but she did and although she is willing to give him a furever home, she couldn’t afford to have him seen for what appears to be an injured paw. We were contacted and Taco was authorized to see one of our partner vets. Taco saw the vet last week but it was determined that he would have to be put under in order to have x-rays taken. Taco was vaccinated and had a general wellness check and is now scheduled for next week to be not only x-rayed but to also be neutered. Unfortunately, Taco did not have a microchip nor did an owner come forward. We will update after Taco’s next vet visit. – diana

Knit Caps w/4 Paws 1 Heart Logo

CHANCE: Oliver! Bridgette! Take those caps off, those are my Christmas presents for Mom and Aunt Shelly!!!
OLIVER: We just wanted to model them for the Team in case they wanted to order some for Christmas presents 🌲
BRIDGETTE: Exactly! They are only $15, make great gifts annnnd the best part…the proceeds go to support abused and abandoned animals in need of medical care.
CHANCE: Awww, you guys….you’re the best! And your exactly right, and I’m sure the Team would love to see how they look being worn 😉
So Team, if you would like to order your official 4 Paws 1 Heart gear..send an email to Auntie Di at [email protected] and let her know how many you need while supplies last and before your ears freeze! 😊 Let her know that Chance sent you!
Sweet dreams Team, we’ll see you all tomorrow. ❤bridgette 12:15:20 oliver 12:15:20 chance 12:13:20

Lucky – 4 Men Were Beating Him When a Good Samaritan Stepped In

12/7/20 – Meet Lucky. He was seen being beaten up by 4 men when a good Samaritan stepped in. He is now safe with Hogs for Dogs and he will be neutered, tested, and vaccinated complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart. Here is a photo 24 hours before Hogs for Dogs was able to get him, and the other photo is at intake and now. Anyone interested in Lucky should contact Hogs for Dog Rescue and please cross your fingers that his heart worm test is negative. We continue to be so very thankful for the many rescuers in our community and our generous supporters. – diana

Dash – Has His Prosthetic and Will Now Be Able to Walk on Hard Surfaces

Dash update! ♡ He was the puppy that was brought into Moore Veterinary Hospital last December with a terrible injury. The owner surrendered him so that he could get the proper care he needed. The doctors and staff at Moore saw to it that Dash received wonderful care. 4 paws 1 heart paid for his initial medical.
We thought he might need amputation or reconstructive surgery, but Dash was a true fighter and continued to thrive.. His rear paw required tons of bandage changes, rest, physical therapy, and a special designed prosthetic created by our good friends at, Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation Center. Dash was neutered recently and he is doing great! He is in a loving forever home with his foster failure Carrie and he has made tons of new friends!!!
Gina ♡

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Winter and Bronx – Winter Had Seizures; Bronx had a Head Injury

11/12/20 – Meet the neonate babies, Winter and Bronx who were rescued by Spark of Love Animal Rescue, a group who specializes in neonate rescue. Both had to be hospitalized but fortunately are now home and doing well. Winter is a Maltese who had a seizure and was displaying neurological issues. Since she has been home, she has had no more seizures. Bronx is an American Bully who seemed to be struggling from a head injury. Although these puppies will not be available for awhile and are still being watched for any further medical issues, anyone interested should contact the rescue. As always, we thank our donors who make it possible to give these abandoned animals a second chance. – diana

Shih Tzu Puppies – Thirteen Rescued After Being Dumped by a Backyard Breeder

11/11/20 – Thirteen Shih Tzu puppies were found in hiding in various locations but in the same general area. They had been dumped by what appears to be a ‘backyard breeder’ because they were obviously no longer of use. Of the thirteen, ten had to be immediately placed in the hospital and three were well enough to stay with the rescue for decompression and minimal care. Of the ten who had to be hospitalized, one required an amputation, one has heart worm, and one has a number of mammary tumor; the rest have various infections and infestations. I apologize for the graphic photos but it is important to know what some people will do to make their living on selling animals. 4 Paws 1 Heart made a significant donation to their medical bill as Rebel Dogs of Detroit does everything possible to help the abused, stray, and abandoned dogs of Detroit. – diana
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