Update on Daisy: We did not do the amputation surgery on Daisy tonight because after re-taking radiographs it was decided that it would be best to hold off on the procedure. To our surprise, Daisy has a healing fracture on her right pelvis that must have taken place during whatever trauma caused the broken femur. We don’t want to consider removing the leg until she is fully capable of compensating with only one leg. Plus, Daisy is weight bearing on the bad leg which has healed nicely compared to the last x rays. We will wait for now and recheck her in a month. She is doing so wonderful in her foster home and 4 Paws 1 Heart thanks Heroes for Homeless Animals for taking such wonderful care of Daisy! You guys are great!! ~ Gina
Category Archives: Broken Leg
Ruby Update
Ruby(puppy with the broken front legs)
Update on Ruby: This very sweet little girl with broken legs had surgery yesterday by Dr. Venet and Dr. Pillsbury. 4 paws 1 heart, is very thankful to have wonderful doctors taking their time to provide surgery for our animals who need it..among the many others they care for on a daily basis. We are also very lucky to be fortunate enough to help some of these animals thanks to your donations. ~ Gina
4 paws 1 heart took in a Puppy with two broken legs and she needs your prayers. Last night Ruby fell down a flight of stairs and both of her front leg’s are broken. We are not sure if the damage is beyond our means of repair, but we will know more later on this morning.. ~ Gina
Charm a.k.a Olivia
UPDATE: Charm — now known as Olivia — was brought to the attention of 4P1H last November, 2011 when she was ju
st 11 weeks old. Her leg was broken in so many places it had to be amputated. Just a short while after her surgery, Gina brought her over and I couldn’t believe how well she was doing. She was adopted not long afterward by a wonderful woman who has given Olivia a loving and caring home. Here are current photos of this little beauty.
Remember Princess with a Broken Leg
8/20/2012 – Princess is a female, mixed breed, 6-month-old puppy. She was brought into the Animal Urgent and Critical Care Center with her rear leg broken and requiring surgery. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be paying for the surgery which will require amputation. This puppy is so lovable I couldn’t stand it!! She almost went home with me! ~ Gina
Update 9/2/2012 Princess’ leg was amputated by Dr. Venet. She is doing great and we think that the good doctor might want to give Princess her permanent home. If not, she will be released to Kim, Warren Animal Control Officer, who rescued her. ~ diana
Update 9/22/2012 Princess was adopted by Dr. Venet and is happy and doing great. She has adapted very well after her surgery. ~ diana
Princess Mixed Breed Puppy with Broken Leg
Princess I is a female, mixed breed, 6-month-old puppy. She was brought into the Animal Urgent and Critical Care Center with her rear leg broken and requiring surgery. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be paying for the surgery which will require amputation. This puppy is so lovable I couldn’t stand it!! She almost went home with me! ~ Gina